Recently I did a refactoring of the actions in GLMRoassal2Presentation. But now the Moose Panel cannot zoom in / out. Any idea?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I am currently preparing a teaching course for next week (sorry, the support will be in French) explaining to the students what is a metamodel and how to create a new one with Moose.
For this purpose, I have to explain how to create properties in Famix.
For example:
<MSEProperty: #name type: #String>
<MSEComment: 'Basic name of the entity, not full reference.’>
What are the accepted primitive types String and what else?
It seems that Integer is not accepted. And what about Date or DateAndTime?
In fact it seems that only String is accepted.
In my case, the svn log metamodel, a Commit has a revision number (Integer) and a date (DateAndTime).
Is there something I am missing?
Thank you in advance for your help.
When browsing examples, I have code highlighting when looking at the source of an example, but in the playground I do not have the highlighting.
Any idea how to fix that?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
[NB: forwarded to the moose mailing list as other may be interested in this]
Hi Thomas,
This is a tricky situation, for which I have found a solution.
Consider the script
b := RTGrapher new.
d := RTData new.
d points: #(3 4 5).
d barShape.
b add: d.
b axisX noLabel; noTick.
As always.
You can now send #noAlignmentOffset to the data to remove the offset.
b := RTGrapher new.
d := RTData new.
d points: #(3 4 5).
d barShape.
d noAlignmentOffset.
b add: d.
b axisX noLabel; noTick.
It is visually less appealing, however it works well when you combine it with other data sets:
b := RTGrapher new.
d := RTData new.
d points: #(3 4 3.5).
d barShape.
d noAlignmentOffset.
b add: d.
d := RTData new.
d points: #(3 4 3.5).
d connectColor: Color red.
b add: d.
This is committed in Pharo
> On Oct 15, 2015, at 7:27 AM, Thomas Brodt <thomas.brodt(a)porabo.ch> wrote:
> Hi Alexandre, hi Milton
> today I upgraded to the new version 2.35 of Roassal for Visualworks. It gets better each time!
> Unfortunately we have an issue with the new RTData. As the old RTStackedDataSet is obsolete now, we moved all our charts to RTData.
> In some charts where we have bars mixed with lines, the dots of the line graph are no longer aligned with the center of the bars, as it was before with RTStackedDataSet. If I change the RTData for the line graph to RTStackedDataSet, the alignment works again.
> Here is an example script:
> | b ds |
> b := RTGrapher new.
> ds := RTData new.
> (ds barShape)
> width: 15;
> if: [:v | v < 0] fillColor: Color red;
> if: [:v | v > 0] fillColor: Color green.
> ds points: #(5 -6 10 20 -9).
> b add: ds.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds
> points: #(4 -2 11 16 -10);
> connectColor: Color red;
> connect.
> ds dotShape color: Color blue.
> ds lineShape color: Color blue.
> b add: ds.
> ds := RTData new.
> ds
> points: #(4 -2 11 16 -10);
> connectColor: Color red;
> connect.
> ds dotShape color: Color red.
> ds lineShape color: Color red.
> b add: ds.
> (b axisX)
> noLabel;
> noTick.
> b axisY noDecimal.
> b build.
> b view
> In the example, there are two lines with the same values, one using RTData, and one using RTStackedDataSet. And they have different positions, while I think they should be aligned.
> Maybe you can have a look at that?
> Thanks,
> Thomas
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Roassal2 adds ClassDescription>>classReferences which references
CompiledMethod>>classReferences but the latter method does not exist.
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill
I am studying the PP smaltalk parser and while trying to parse a literal
array, I stumbled on a problem:
initially I could not parse simple expressions like 'a := 100'
looking into it, I found that PPSmaltalkGrammar>>number cannot parse '100'
since the definition is a bit complex
^ ($- asParser optional , #digit asParser) and , [ :context |
[ (NumberParser on: context stream) nextNumber ]
on: Error
do: [ :err | PPFailure message: err messageText at: context
position ] ]
I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this
I don’t know if it is due to my integration of MooseQuery into Moose or if is older. But, I can’t modify code in a window that is not a system browser without having RubPluggableTextMorph(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #appendEntry error.
Does someone knows where it comes from?