Juraj and I did a small UI using Glamour on Pharo 3. Unfortunately, it behaves differently on Pharo 4.
Here is an excerpt of the script:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
column: #one;
column: [ :c |
row: #rowOne span: 0.2;
row: #rowTwo ].
browser transmit
to: #one;
andShow: [ :a |
a list
shouldValidate: true;
updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself;
updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
updateOn: WSRefresh from: self announcer;
display: [ :anObject | Array withAll: self actions ];
format: [ :anAction | anAction name ];
act: [ :b | actions add: WSAction new ]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAdd
on: $+
entitled: 'Add a new action';
act: [ :actionToBeRemoved :b |
actions remove: actionToBeRemoved selection.
self refreshList ]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRemove
on: $-
entitled: 'Remove the selected action';
act: [ :b | self doAllActions ]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousGo
on: $g
entitled: 'Executes all actions' ].
On Pharo 3:
On Pharo 4:
The code can be downloaded from the configuration browser. Just look for WorkingSet
Any idea what’s going on?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Hi all,
I am moving Live Robot Programming to Pharo 4, and I found an issue when loading PetitParser. Some fonts are changed (I guess) and this breaks rendering of text.
To reproduce: in the current build open a playgound and do:
Gofer it
smalltalkhubUser: ‘Moose' project: ‘PetitParser';
when everything is loaded, the playground text area changes to the red crossed error morph. (DNU: GLMBrickRenderer class>>render:on:) Opening a new playground and new browser goes OK. But when I open the Spotter and start typing all results are the red error morph (DNU: AthensCairoCanvas>>#line:to:width:color:)
Can this be looked at, or can you tell me how I can at least fix the spotter while this is looked at?
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Johan Fabry - http://pleiad.cl/~jfabry
PLEIAD lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile
I’ve just fixed the failing tests of Roassal. Actually, these failures were due to the improvement of RTGrapherBuilder, not because of Pharo 4.0. For some reason, when I run the tests before committing, the tests were all green. I think this is due to some weird behavior with class renaming...
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I wanted to have a look at why some tests are failing in the last version of moose.
But I cannot even open a debugger.
Maybe some classes are missing. I see SystemDictionary>>at: in the call stack.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
In the previous version of the website, there was a list of academic partners and its equivalent for the industrial ones. I can’t find on the new version of the website where is the information and the old links lead to 404 pages.
Is the information available somewhere?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Happy New Year!
The GTInspector reaches its full potential when it is being extended to
meet custom needs.
I will try to document more scenarios to show how this works in practice
and how programming changes as a result.
Here is a story that describes a session of debugging a Metacello
configuration problem:
"Every thing has its own flow"