Versioner cannot currently be used to make the switch from Pharo 3 to Pharo 4.
It also cannot be used to maintain Moose versions for both.
If you want to be able to maintain versions delivered to customers,
you'll need the platform support and need to be able to DRY configurations.
The delivered configuration is unlikely to load in a current Pharo image,
so it needs a dependency on a ConfigurationOfPharo version
Steph wrote
>I was discussing with christophe and
> - for external projects that we do not control we could also fork
>and maintain our own configuration.
That is madness for maintained projects. You might need a snapshot, but don't want to
do the work to maintain a configuration.
hi alex
the baseline is wrong because it does not depend on roassal.
Then there is again this FuelMetalevel version that is around.
development should be better a baseline than this
development: spec
"By convention the development branch should point to a fixed
version that is regularly updated and might contain unstable code.
The name used by Metacello is only defined by the following pragma:"
<symbolicVersion: #development >
"For the development tag refer to a fixed version which you update
if you commit new code.
Note that you can refer here to any other version name from this
spec for: #'common' version: 'dev'.
I can fix it if you give me access....
Hi doru
Is GLMRoassalEasel correctly packaged because Glamour-Tools just
requires Glamour-Core
and I have the impression that GLM-RoassalEasel should be in
Glamour-Roassal something.
Maybe one of Deep into Pharo’s reader can write a review on:
This will help everybody by promoting our favorite language...
Alexandre Bergel
Hi Stef,
What exactly are you trying to achieve here?
Adding more flattened snapshots to the ConfigurationOfMoose
is i.m.o. not a good idea. I've never found snapshotted
versions useable for development. Within a week there
were incompatible changes that break the snapshot version.
Snapshots can be a valuable artifact, and should be separate
from configurations.
Steph, please try this with ConfigurationOfPharo first.
You have much more control over that, and it will
allow you to break the tools fast without bothering
others. We use ConfigurationOfMoose.
>When you develop you want to always get the latest (and certainly not on
>project you have no control over).
You want to, but you can't. And you definitely don't want
to have to create all kinds of configuration versions of
packages outside your control just to be able to load.
I would like to include Torch. Doesn't work with latest.
Cleaning up of moose configuration is much appreciated.
You probably want to add some groups, so you can have your