We have worked very hard on a Roassal exporter for the Web.
Milton has produced the class RTHTML5Exporter, which may be simply invoked as: RTHTML5Exporter new export: aRoassalView.
Check this out:
Try moving the mouse above the circle or dots in the curve.
The html file you see from your web browser is the result of do-iting the following expression:
| c b c2 |
c := RTComposer new.
b := RTGraphBuilder new.
b view: c view.
b edges
connectFrom: #superclass;
b edges
if: [ :fromClass :toClass | toClass name beginsWith: 'TR' ];
connectTo: #dependentClasses;
color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
b nodes
if: [ :cls | cls name beginsWith: 'RT' ];
color: Color blue.
b nodes
color: Color red.
b layout cluster.
b global
normalizeSize: #numberOfMethods min: 5 max: 40 using: #sqrt;
alphaColor: 0.4.
b addAll: TRShape withAllSubclasses, RTShape withAllSubclasses.
b build.
c group.
c2 := RTCharterBuilder new.
c2 view: c view.
c2 interaction popup.
c2 extent: 300 @ 200.
c2 points: (RTShape withAllSubclasses sortedAs: #numberOfMethods).
c2 connectDotColor: Color blue.
c2 points: (TRShape withAllSubclasses sortedAs: #numberOfMethods).
c2 stackX.
c2 allY: #numberOfMethods.
c2 connectDotColor: Color red.
c2 axisX.
c2 axisY.
c2 build.
c group.
c layout: RTVerticalLineLayout new.
c propagateHighlightToAll.
legend := RTLegendBuilder new.
legend view: c view.
legend addText: 'This is a demonsration of a combination of builders'.
legend addText: 'The above visualization shows the dependencies between Roassal and Trachel shapes.'.
legend addText: 'Curves indicate the distribution of the number of methods'.
legend build.
RTHTML5Exporter new export: c view.
c view
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Name: ConfigurationOfPetitParser-StephanEggermont.57
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 12 December 2014, 11:29:41.588663 am
UUID: 9cf8b80c-3e08-49ee-a014-4c6e815afaa3
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfPetitParser-usmanbhatti.56
Stable version for Moose 5
Name: ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser-StephanEggermont.23
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 12 December 2014, 11:35:05.659061 am
UUID: 981097a0-66e7-4933-91cb-bfca289c2862
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfPetitSQLParser-TudorGirba.22
New stable version for Moose 5
I have been using GTInspector a lot lately and I think it is a great tool. Even though, sometimes I have to go back to the old inspector. Sometimes an inspector tab raise an error and instead of having a single unusable tab, or a inspector with less tabs I get no inspector at all.
Have anyone had this problem before?
In case you need help with this issue, how can I contribute?
Dear All,
Rosario, a really smart student from University of Chile, is working on a history-aware debugger (sometimes called Omniscient debugging).
Although this is still an early version of Rosario’s prototype and we are still unsure what we actually want (as you may guess, it all depends on the usage scenarios we want to cover), Rosario decided to do a small video, just to spark what has to be sparked :-D
http://vimeo.com/114094830 <http://vimeo.com/114094830>
Thanks Andrei for offering his help on this! It is good to have you among us!
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I would like to know why the basic icons in Moose comes from the Pharo2.0 version:
And not from Pharo3.0: ?
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Hi everyone,
There is a behavior of event TRMouseClick that seems anormal to me.
For example I can't define a TRMouseClick on an element before it appears
in a view via a little animation, because if the element pass by my mouse
cursor, it will freeze. It seems that the element detect that the mouse
cursor is on him and might click on him.
That behavior would be normal with TRMouseEnter for exemple but a click
should be just a click right ?
Pierre Chanson
Hi Alex,
Could you please review the code in RTPNGExporter? We still get a little
problem when exporting because it seems that there is a bit of clipping
happening on the bottom and to the right.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Nelson is an excellent student from Bolivia. We met Nelson at the summer school (sponsored by ESUG) that we organized.
Nelson would like to write an MSE exporter for Ruby. Analyzing Ruby applications in Moose is indeed important.
Nelson, as a starting point how how to produce MSE file, you can have a look at
- http://www.themoosebook.org/bookhttp://www.themoosebook.org/book/externals/import-export/mse
- Try out with .mse file example. You can easily generate one by importing Pharo code in Moose (http://www.themoosebook.org/book/externals/import-export/smalltalk) and export it by right clicking on a model
Ask for help in the mailing list. People are waiting for your tool :-)
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Is it possible to avoid to open a new pane when browsing from a specialized inspector tab?
I have a specialized inspector tab with a table. I want to be able to select a raw and get the value by calling #selection on the presentation but I don't want a new pane to be opened on this selection.
By using noSelectionTransmission, there is no new pane opened but no selection available.