Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Milestone-4.7
New issue 871 by tu...(a) One click distribution has old vms
We need to update the VMs for the one click distribution.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 905 by tu...(a) The rendering of ListPresentation
should not raise error when setting the selection to a value outside of the
visible elements
| browser items |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
browser column: #one; column: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
a tree showOnly: 30 ].
window := browser openOn: (1 to: 100).
self shouldnt: [((browser paneNamed: #one) port:#selection) value: 40]
raise: Error.
During April 2-4 we will organize a PharoConf and a MooseDay in Bern, Switzerland. Mark the day and join us. The participation will be free of charge.
The conference will focus on interactivity and exchange, and will feature experience report talks, tutorials, show-us-your-project sessions and open discussions.
We are looking for speakers:
These sessions will walk the audience through a piece of technology.
Target duration: 30min - 60min.
Example topics:
- ZeroConf continuous integration builds
- Building vectorial interfaces with Athens
- Building UIs with Spec
- New development tools (Fuel/Tanker, Glamorous Debugger, Nautilus ...)
- Manipulating databases in Pharo (Riak, MongoDB ...)
- Visualizing data (Roassal, EyeSee ...)
These sessions expose a topic that is not necessarily technical.
Target duration: 30min - 60min.
Example topics:
- Experience of using Pharo to solve business problems
- Experience of using Pharo and Moose to solve various technical problems (not necessarily related to Smalltalk)
- Successes in marketing Pharo-based solutions
- Future directions for Pharo or Moose
These sessions will feature short presentations of the projects (7-10 minutes) followed by open-space demos.
Example topics:
- The Glamorous Debugger
- Nautilus
- Analysis tools like Softwarenaut or Carrack
- Fuel/Tanker
- ...
Please send us your submissions by email at tudor(a)
Doru on behalf of the organizers
"To lead is not to demand things, it is to make them happen."
I would like to create a Moose model of a VisualAge smalltalk
application. I tried to fileout a bunch of applications (which are
groups of packages as far as I understood) and the result file .app
has naturally a different syntax from pharo st files. Now, the
questions are:
- Should I customize the PPSmalltalkParser or should I start a parser
from scratch?
- Did anybody tried to import in moose a smalltalk dilect different
from pharo? If yes how did he do that?
I just want to understand if I can save time or I should build a whole
parser and importer from scratch.
Thanks for any suggestion or information.
Fabriyio (bloodz german kezboard)
Some methods in Moose introduce extension methods on BlockContext.
BlockContext has been replaced by BlockClosure. We already have the
required moose extension methods in BlockClosure, so I'll remove extension
methods on BlockContext so that we do not have warnings while loading Moose
on pharo 2.0.
For info, the ist of extension categories added by Moose packages on
- eyesee-support
- moose-core
- petitparser-core-converting
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 916 by anquetil...(a) allChioldScopes include self
From a FAMIXScopingEntity, asking allChildScope will include the
receiver ...
this is due to withAllChildScopesDo: which therforew suffers from the same
Expected behaviour: only the direct children of the receiver
You received this message because this project is configured to send all
issue notifications to this address.
You may adjust your notification preferences at:
Status: Accepted
Owner: kurs....(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-PetitParser
New issue 881 by kurs....(a) Missing browser instance variable
PPParserBrowser and PPAllParserBrowser are missing browser instance
variable, since the supperclass was changed from BrowserTemplate to
CompsoitePresentation (PetitGui.107).
I presume, this is minor issue, but I have no idea why it was changed from
Template to CompositePresentation.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 872 by benjamin...(a) Roassal refactor RubberBand>>onDrop:
ROExample>>rubberBandOn: currently has the line...
rawView add: (newEdgeRaw + ROLine).
While this is fine in the ROExample script, in my application rawView was
not available at that point, so instead I needed...
newEdgeRaw from view add: (newEdgeRaw + ROLine).
For a while I confused myself by trying to use...
newEdgeRaw view add: (newEdgeRaw + ROLine).
but that was not the same view, since the ROEdge created in the sender had
a random default.
So I now think it is more clear to not create the ROEdge in the sender, but
instead pass the fromElement and toElement and let the user create the
ROEdge themselves. I think this is conceptually clearer.
See the two methods in the attached changeset.
RubberBand-20121125.1.cs 2.4 KB