Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Finder Milestone-4.7
New issue 832 by tu...(a) Meta Browser should provide
information about derived properties
It should somehow show the derived properties different from the non
derived ones. Perhaps simply using /, like in UML
Hi folks,
At the following address you will find a repository of MSE files derived from the Qualitas Corpus:
The purpose of this repository is providing a common and easy to setup dataset for (moose-based) analyses.
The files can be freely downloaded and used.
The repository has the following structure:
- QualitasCorpus
- yyyymmdd(e | r): qualitas corpus with MSE files
- yyyymmdd(e | r)-compressed: original qualitas corpus (as downloaded from
- extractor: tool used to generate MSE files (verveineJ SVN rev. 192)
- mse: generated MSE files
- scripts: shell script for setting up the analysis data folder
How to setup the analysis data folder ?
1. download all files available at
2. chmod +x
3a. ./ for downloading and uncompressing Qualitas Corpus "recent release" + MSE files
3b. ./ for downloading and uncompressing Qualitas Corpus "evolution release" + MSE files
at the end you should have an exact clone of and/or
How to run an analysis ?
Use a script like this>
for m in $(find . -name 'model.mse'); do
ln -s $m model.mse # link to model file
ln -s $src src # link to src file
$cog -nodisplay $moose $smalltalk
rm model.mse
rm src
where is something like>
| stream model |
model := MooseModel new.
stream:= MultiByteFileStream newFrom:(FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: 'model.mse').
model name:(FileDirectory baseNameFor: stream localName).
model importFromMSEStream: stream.
model size > 0 ifTrue: [ model install ].
model rootFolder:'src'.
"… analysis ..."
WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [ SmalltalkImage current snapshot: false andQuit: true ].
Status: New
Owner: alexandr...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Roassal
New issue 826 by alexandr...(a) Roassal hover popup on edges
With the following script, in Mondrian when you hover over edges a popup
appears showing the name of the edge. Is the same possible with Roassal?
view shape rectangle size: 20.
nodes := view nodes: (1 to: 20).
view edges: (2 to: 20) from: 1 to: #yourself.
view circleLayout.
Thanks Ben for noticing this!