PetitParser comes with a Factorial Language example.
The comment of the class FLFactorialExample states
"I implement the example given in "factorial.txt". The code can be
edited directly in the Smalltalk code browser and is automatically
parsed, transformed and eventually compiled down to Smalltalk
Where do I find the description of this language, i.e. the file 'factorial.txt'?
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: alexandr...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal Milestone-4.7
New issue 834 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Roassal layouts do not properly take
into account userDefinedEdges
To reproduce see the example below:
| edges |
view nodes: #(1 2 3).
edges := view edgesFrom: [:each | each - 1].
view shape line color: Color red.
view edges: #(3) from: [:each | each - 2] to: #yourself.
view treeLayout userDefinedEdges: edges
If the user defined edges would be taken into account, the tree would
appear on one line (1->2->3). Instead it appears laid out as 1->2, 1->3 .
Ben Coman wrote:
> I've been playing with ROCircleLayout in the form of ROCircleLayoutNew
> and ROCircleDynamicLayout. This was mainly to deal with where element
> dimensions are much different (eg much wider than they are high). Its
> not polished but I've come to the limit of time I can be distracted by
> it at this time, so I'm just presenting it in case you find anything
> useful.
> Have a look at ROExample...
> #circleWideElements
> #circleWideElementsNewLayout
> #circleWideElementsDynamic
> #dynamicCirclePlay
> cheer -ben
btw, I'm a bit confused by what Monitcello is showing me in terms of
changes versus your Roassal.289 version. It shows ROCircleLayout2 and
ROCircleLayout3 as missing from your 289 mcz, which implies they are is
in my image, except I have previously deleted those two classes from my
image prior to saving through Monticello. Do they show up to you?
How do I programmatically export a PNG of the entire visualization from Roassal?
I tried to use the ROView>>bitmap, but it returns a cropped image.
"Every thing has its own flow"
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 792 by google....(a)ben.coman.com.au: Mondrian - broken popupText:
I have isolated what I assume is an issue introduced in
ConfigurationOfMondrian-AlexandreBergel.332 with #popupText:
Test Case to execute in Mondrian Easel...
view interaction popupText: [ :es | 'popupText works'].
view shape label.
view node: 'node value'.
With a freshly unzipped Moose_Suite_4_6,
hovering over the node displays a blue box that says 'popupText works'
Using Monticello Browser to load
ConfigurationOfMondrian-AlexandreBergel.331 then doing '(Smalltalk at:
#ConfigurationOfMondrian) project lastVersion load'
has the same behaviour.
With Monticello Browser, loading
ConfigurationOfMondrian-AlexandreBergel.332 then doing '(Smalltalk at:
#ConfigurationOfMondrian) project lastVersion load'
hovering over the node displays a white box that says 'node value'
This behaviour persists through to current
The comment on 332 is: 2.147 : Pharo ground is seriously shaking those
days... popupText: does not use the Pharo popup, it instead uses popupView:
Platform: Windows 7
Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)tudorgirba.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-4.7
New issue 833 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Roassal presentation should populate
by default the selection port on selection
Selecting a figure (or perhaps just clicking on it) in a Roassal painting
should populate the selection port of the pane containing the
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 830 by google....(a)ben.coman.com.au: ROLabel dynamic text not
updating bounds/ROBorder properly
The code below results in the image attached, where you can see the
ROBorder does not encompass the text. The border should probably expand to
encompass dynamically changing shapes. but not necessarily since you may
want to have a border only around the label with the children having no
border. The symptom is more that the width is inconsistent between each of
the text nodes.
| view rawView node1 node2 node3 node4 |
rawView := ROView new.
view := ROMondrianViewBuilder view: rawView.
node1 := ROElement new .
node1 model: 'node1'.
node1 addShape: ROBorder.
node1 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node1 ' , node1 bounds extent
asString, ' ', node1 bounds asString ] ).
node1 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node1.
node2 := ROElement new .
node2 model: 'node2'.
node2 addShape: ROBorder.
node2 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node2 ', String crlf, node2 bounds
extent asString, ' ', node2 bounds asString ] ).
node2 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node2.
node3 := ROElement new .
node3 model: 'node3'.
node3 addShape: ROBorder.
node3 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node3 ', String crlf, node3 bounds
extent asString, String crlf, node3 bounds asString ] ).
node3 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node3.
node4 := ROElement spriteOn: 'node4' .
node4 addShape: (ROLabel text: [ 'node4 ', String crlf, node4 bounds
extent asString, String crlf, String crlf, node4 bounds asString ] ).
node4 addInteraction: RODraggable.
rawView add: node4.
ROVerticalLineLayout on: rawView elements.
ROEaselMorphic new populateMenuOn: view.
view noLayout.
view open
This is Moose4.7 with Roassal.283 on Windows 7.
ROBorder does not encompass ROLabel text.png 17.6 KB
It might be interesting in some cases to have very detailed moose
models, at the level of single instruction
(there is a loop, its test compares variable x to 5, ...)
That would generates incredibly huge models, of course, but for
localized tasks it could be useful.
Was there some work along these lines at any point in time?
Or are we the only one to think it could be useful?