I have a optimization problem to solve and I would want some hint of you.
I am using the xml framework to work with data from xml file, and the
reading of the data is consuming much time.
In my code I do something as:
| stream root |
stream := (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: aPath) contentsOfEntireFile
root := (XMLDOMParser parse: stream) root.
root allElementsNamed: 'something' do:[ :eachB|
eachB attributeNodes attributeValueAt: 'list'
eachB allElementsNamed: 'another something' do:{ :eachD|
. eachD attributeNodes attributeValueAt: 'element'
I know such iteration like that take much time to be executed when the file
read is big. There is a another manner to read the data from xml file that
consume less time as possible? Or have someone an idea to improve this code?
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/XML-Data-Parsing-tp4459406p4459406.html
Sent from the Moose mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
btw, I am on Windows 7.
The GLMExamplesBrowser menu item [View browser tree] is interesting...
NEW IN 4.6
Do the following demonstrate new functionality in 4.6 or just a new
example of existing 4.5 functionality ?
#formatAsWords - what does this have to do with composites protocol?
new to 4.6 - very nice :)
A useful addition would be allowing drop onto background of [Target]
(which might be item + 0)
Dropping onto a number in [Source] causes an error
An additional comment to describe operation of the example would be
useful eg.. "Drag a number from Source into Target dropping on either an
item or the background"
#spawnBrowserActions - it would be useful to also see how a single
selected item could be opened in a new window - not just the whole list)
#spawnBrowserSelectionActions (note, the method of in-comment example is
[*1] operational change...
4.5 has a default window menu ==> 4.6 does not - why the difference ?[3]
finder list ==> finder show: [ :a | a list
browser text ==> browser show: [ :a | a text
finder table ==> finder show: [ :a | a table
Browser menu #simpleFinderWithMenu
Filter #multipleFinderWithFilter
Finder #simpleFinder
Populate port action #populatePortAction
Search #multipleFinderWithFilterAndSearch
Toolbar #browserWithToolbar
Tabs with different labels #tabsWithDifferentLabels
#treeWithInitialSelection - actually this gets a MNU
GLMTabulator>>text in 4.6 - needs one more refactoring
[*3] #using seems to be being purged from Glamour. Perhaps to remove a
lot of methods from GLMBrowser & GLMTPresentationBuilder, leaving these
only in GLMCompositePresentation. Examples...
showOn: ... using: [ browser mondrian ==> transmit to: ....
andShow: [ :a | a mondrian
showOn: ... using: [ browser list ==> transmit to: ... andShow:
[ :a | a list
showOn: ... using: [ browser morph ==> transmit to: ... andShow: [
:a | a morph
Action list #simpleActionList
Allowing all nil #allowAllNil
Allowing nil #allowNil
Drop-down #dropDownList [
Drop-down with initial value #dropDownListWithInitialValue
Fix size pane #fixSizePanes
Morph icons #morphIcons
Tags #compoundTaggedTree
Updated selection #listsWithUpdatedSelection
(no glmBrowser pragma) #singleInitialSelection
[*4] #sendTo:from:with: ==> #transmit:port: ; #from: ;
Updated selection #listsWithUpdatedSelection
[*6] Transcript ==> Inspector (not really a significant
Action list #simpleActionList [*3,6]
Menus #staticAndDynamicMenu [*6]
#interdependentPanes - code is flagged as not working. does not work in
4.5 either.
Double click #doubleClick
#accumulator - Accumulator - looks like an example design change to
separate concerns. Double clicking a number in the left pane, in the
right pane brings up...
4.5 - number tab with sub-tabs 'List' & 'Text' as well as a
connect-menu item 'Inspect'
4.6 - number tab only, no sub-tabs or context menu
#textSelection - execute from method comment works in 4.5 but fails in
4.6 with unknown selector #textSelectionInterval.
Dashboard #dashboard
Dashboard specifying extents #dashboardWithSpecificExtents
Dashboards in dashboard #dashboardsInDashboard
Composite arrangements #differentComposites
Complex morphs (StarBrowser simulation) #starBrowser
EyeSee interactive bar chart #eyeseeBarDiagram
Mondrian painting #mondrianPainting
Multiple actions #multipleActions
Simple Expander #simpleExpander
Smart lists #treeWithAmountFiltering
Stacker #stacker
Tabs with different actions #tabsWithDifferentActions
Three inter-dependent panes #threeInterdependentPanes
Tree with children by level #treeWithChildrenByLevel
Tree with expansion #treeWithExpansion
(no glmBrowser pragma) #taggedTree
(no glmBrowser pragma) #multiInitialSelection [*1,3] - but I am only
able to multi-select contiguous items with the SHIFT key. I am unable
to multi-select non-contiguous items as I would expect using the CTRL
key. Instead a context menu for MorphTreeMorph appears. Is this
unfortunate behaviour just me?
#magritte - This was one a was I was REALLY interested to see regarding
the update to Magritte 3. However the code is identical to 4.5. Both
4.5 and 4.6 produce the same error....
[Save] ==> error MAWriteError: Not supposed to write to something.
[Cancel] ==> no change. Now without knowing anything about Magritte, I
would expect the text box to revert to the original text.
What would actually be a fantastic example here would be a small address
book of a few entries that browsed a list in one pane and in another the
magritte detail could be edited.
4.6 also adds alternating icons.
4.5 broken & does not transmit to next pane, but same code to 4.6
does work.
selectionAct: [:tree | tree inspect ] ==> selectionAct: [:tree |
tree selection inspect ]
This has been improved in 4.6 to auto-expand when moving from [first
tree] to [second tree]
However in both 4.5 & 4.6, upon initial opening and when switching from
[first tree] to [second tree] an erroneous additional line spacing
occurs as shown in _ treeWithInitialSelection-extra-line-spacing.jpg _
#treeWithMenu - might need the same change to selectionAct: as for
#treeWithTags [*1]
#treeWithTagsMoreLevels [*1] - it would be good if after deselecting the
tags, it remembered which node had previously been expanded. When when
I click a tag twice, I expect to get back the same view I had before.
#updateableBrowser [*1] Completely different code and operation. What is
the difference in operation between the 'Upadted automatically' tab and
'Updated via menu' -
#validator [*6]
#validatorDynamic [*6] - but I don't actually see any difference to
operation of #validator method - what am I missing ?
#wizard - it is not clear how to get the selected items
I would be interested in collecting talks related to Moose and announcing them on the website. Have any of you given any recently? Or maybe will give some in the near future?
"Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot be done."
I updated the base Pharo image, and now Nautilus loads properly in the Moose image:
On 4 Mar 2012, at 15:35, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Thanks for the pointer. I will update the base image.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 4 Mar 2012, at 15:22, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 2:39 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I saw that you removed the problematic parts, but now CofigurationOfNautilus throws a loading error, because MonticelloAnnouncer is not present when NautilusMCBindings gets loaded.
>> Are you loading in the LASTEST pharo core 1.4? I think MonticelloAnnouncer was added just recently (in fact, for Nautilus).
>> Cheers
>> Could you take a look?
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On 3 Mar 2012, at 23:42, Benjamin wrote:
>>> I will remove that and push it into another repo.
>>> It was a plugin started by Jannik, but never finished :)
>>> Thanks for report :)
>>> Ben
>>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 9:41 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Nautilus includes NautilusCommon and this in turn includes NautilusCommon-Plugin-JannikAlgo which copies verbatim a part of the classes from the Moose-Algos-Graph package from http://www.squeaksource.com/MooseAlgos.
>>>> These classes are used in a plugin. Because of this, we cannot use Nautilus in Moose.
>>>> So, I would suggest one of these:
>>>> - remove the plugin, at least from the default configuration
>>>> - load Moose-Algos-Graph properly
>>>> - fork with a different name
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Doru
>>>> --
>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>> "Yesterday is a fact.
>>>> Tomorrow is a possibility.
>>>> Today is a challenge."
>> --
>> www.tudorgirba.com
>> "Obvious things are difficult to teach."
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "There are no old things, there are only old ways of looking at them."
Things happen when they happen,
not when you talk about them happening.
The simple project analyzed is this one http://goo.gl/vAhfO
Without adding the Android SDK sources the MSE is fine. Then I copied the Android SDK in the source folder of the project (this because I need to extract dependencies between Android apps and Android SDK). In this way the MSE is wrong. If you're interested in reproduce my case you can download the Android SDK (from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html) and copy the "android" folder in the "src" folder of the ZoomerWithKeys project. Then try to generate the mse and take a look at the 'mZoomIn' attribute, for example.
The classes do not appear twice and they do not appear in different packages, as I said the project has just one single class ;)
Thanks for your interest,
> Hi,
> This is strange. If it is like that, it is a bug. However, I would like to learn more about the structure of your sources. Could it be that these classes appear twice? Or maybe that they appear in different packages?
> Are these source available?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 3 Mar 2012, at 15:38, roberto.minelli(a)usi.ch wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a question regarding inFamix and the MSE format.
>> I have an Android project composed by a single class. I need to perform an analysis on the Invocations. For this reason I need the source code of the library called. Thus I copied some of the sources of the Android SDK inside the src folder of the project. When I generate the MSE file of the project I end up having a problem: Each FAMIX entity, i.e., FAMIX.Attribute, appears twice in the MSE. I have duplicated classes, attributes, invocations and methods. In this way it's impossible to perform any kind of analysis.
>> As an example, here is a snippet of the obtained MSE:
>> (FAMIX.Attribute (id: 430073)
>> (name 'mZoomIn')
>> (parentType (ref: 368554))
>> (declaredType (ref: 413535))
>> (isPrivate true)
>> (isFinal true)
>> )
>> ...
>> (FAMIX.Attribute (id: 450685)
>> (name 'mZoomIn')
>> (parentType (ref: 450670))
>> (declaredType (ref: 413535))
>> (isPrivate true)
>> (isFinal true)
>> )
>> The 'parentType's 368554 and 450670 are the same, but duplicated as well.
>> Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
>> Regards,
>> RM
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> Moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch
>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose-dev
Now that Moose 4.6 is out, we will move to Pharo 1.4. I will start working on it this week. It would be great to get some help.
"One cannot do more than one can do."
I am trying to load Nautilus in 1.4, but there seems to be a problem
with the configuration. I run:
Gofer it
url: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/Nautilus';
package: 'ConfigurationOfNautilus';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfNautilus) loadRelease.
But, the Growl dependency is incorrect:
spec project: 'Growl' with:[
repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Growl';
package: 'Growl' ].
We could create a ConfigurationOfGrowl, or just load the package directly:
package: 'Growl' with: [spec repository:
'http://www.squeaksource.com/Growl' ].
Which one do you prefer?
Btw, the Moose build is failing because of this :).
"Every thing has its own flow"
Dear all,
I have a question regarding inFamix and the MSE format.
I have an Android project composed by a single class. I need to perform an analysis on the Invocations. For this reason I need the source code of the library called. Thus I copied some of the sources of the Android SDK inside the src folder of the project. When I generate the MSE file of the project I end up having a problem: Each FAMIX entity, i.e., FAMIX.Attribute, appears twice in the MSE. I have duplicated classes, attributes, invocations and methods. In this way it's impossible to perform any kind of analysis.
As an example, here is a snippet of the obtained MSE:
(FAMIX.Attribute (id: 430073)
(name 'mZoomIn')
(parentType (ref: 368554))
(declaredType (ref: 413535))
(isPrivate true)
(isFinal true)
(FAMIX.Attribute (id: 450685)
(name 'mZoomIn')
(parentType (ref: 450670))
(declaredType (ref: 413535))
(isPrivate true)
(isFinal true)
The 'parentType's 368554 and 450670 are the same, but duplicated as well.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Hapao Component-Mondrian
New issue 600 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: Popup does not work properly
It takes times to appear and does not always appears.
I am not sure where the problem comes from. Probably Mondrian. The popup
has problems probably because the visualization takes time to render.
Classes in Hapao are nested within a very large node. This prevent classes
to be catched as a bitmap.
Tested on Pharo 1.3.
Thanks Laurent & Patrick