It would be so cool if someone would implement LDA in Pharo. Or at least provide a binding to a library.
And if we are at it, it would also be cool if we would have LSI again.
Anyone? :)
"Presenting is storytelling."
in the following example, I would like that the transmission from pane
#one to pane #two be triggered when the browser opens. Is it possible?
|browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #one size: 30; row: #two.
browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [:a |
a dropDownList
display: [:x | (1 to: x) + 10 ];
selectedIndex: 2 ].
browser transmit from: #one; to: #two; andShow: [:a |
a list
display: [:x | 1 to: x ]].
browser openOn: 5
Damien Cassou
"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
Is there any news about rendering mondrian visualizations using some
javaScript libraries ? (I just remember some examples I saw in the mailing
list, which were cool by the way :))
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: cy.delau...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Merlin Milestone-4.6
New issue 677 by tu...(a)tudorgirba.com: Merlin should not force round corners
Currently, Merlin specifies rounded corners for most morphs. This does not
work well with Pharo UI Themes that specify straight corners, such as the
GLMUITheme used in Moose.
Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium RPackage
New issue 619 by stephane...(a)gmail.com: RPackage should deal with unknown
In MC we have
- AST-Core
- AST-Semantic
but no
- AST-Compiler- whatever
so when we get *AST-Compiler-Overrides..... clearly this is a problem.
We should create a new package with the extension names.
Hello Doru,
How can I create a "history model" using the Hismo meta-model. Lets say that
I have different models (versions) loaded in Moose and I want to create a
Hismo model representing these models (versions).
Is there some automatic way to do that?
Andre Hora
Hi all,
I'm working with glamour and was wondering if a dynamic stacker would
be a good idea. It's use would be something like this:
stacker := GLMStacker new.
stacker aPane: #methods.
stacker aPane: #classes when: [:obj | obj isKindOf: Class].
The default condition being [:obj | true], a stacker would only
represent the panes for which the condition is true.
What do you think?
Damien Cassou
"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
CC: cy.delau...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium RPackage
New issue 620 by stephane...(a)gmail.com: RPackageOrganizer should have a
better public API for unregistering package
in particular one that assembles all the elementary steps
- unregister back pointer (class mapping)
- unregister class extension mapping