Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: anquetil...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-VerveineJ
New issue 603 by VerveineJ should export relative
Currently, VerveineJ exports the FileAnchors with full path. It should
export it with the path relative to the input folder.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 588 by alexandr...(a) Commands, Easel and ViewRenderer
The following tests is yellow:
| view easel |
view := MOViewRenderer new.
easel := MOEasel new.
self assert: view userCommands size = easel userCommands
I need to work on it
Status: New
Owner: tu...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Component-Famix Milestone-4.5
New issue 632 by tu...(a) Build a test to capture the FAMIX
API problems with Java systems
We need a test to drive this problem.
One solution is to take an MSE file produced by VerveineJ for the test_src
and run the MooseFinderTests with it.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 670 by jannik.l...(a) moose menu - on a MooseModel -
bookmark entity
the browser is not updated at the end of process
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 651 by esteba...(a) label presentations doesn't update
In a browser with a label presentation, the label is not being updated when
an announcement is triggered.
i.e., this browser:
browser := GLMTabulator new
row: #itemDetail;
row: #summary size: 18;
browser transmit
to: #summary;
andShow: [ :presenter |
presenter label
updateOn: AnAnnouncement from: [self announcer ];
display: [ self summary ] ].
I would like to manage the size of a chart when drawing it into a glamour
presentation. For now the default size is quite big and i am not able to see
it fully.
Does such a mechanism already exist ? Or do you have any starting points
where I should look at ? Is this possible for example with mondrian
visualizations ?
I Improved the distributionMap wizard on several points:
=> no long computations anyMore. Should be usable with large models
=> adding some 'conditions' before leaving the first pane. Avoid to end with
- if properties are not well entered
- if properties specified are not 'computable' for this model
=> refactored/cleaned code/ Divided into shorter methods/recategorized
Looks at least cleaner than before
It should fixe the problems recently experimented when trying all moose
I am a PhD student at UFMG, Brazil, and I'm working with source code
metrics. I have a FAMIX model generated by the inFusion tool and I
would like to know if the Moose can export source code metrics (LOC,
WMC, LCOM, etc) of Java classes to .CSV ou XML files?
Is there any plugin of the Moose that have this functionality?
Cesar Couto
I am trying menus in Moose 4.6. I loaded Moose from MooseScript (method createModelForMoose). And I tried all command in menus.
Here are my comments:
On a MooseModel, some commands are strange or does not work:
- browse:
- code with dependencies:
> why are there 2 times Smalltalk in the first pane ?
> the visu seems strange and slow !
> is it used by someone ?
- code with design flow
> unusable as it is slow
> is it used by someone ?
- code with namespace
> is it used by someone ?
- code with package
> is it used by someone ?
- export:
- export to fl
> does not work, there is a DNU. It seems that the notification does not work
- export to mse
> same problem than export to fl
- import file structure
> no progress bar.
> why is it loaded in the same mooseModel and change the model name ?
- import from fl / mse
> it imports, but I do not see what it does. There is no new model in the root. And no new entities in my model.
> after the import mse, the MooseBrowser twinkled !!! (strange behavior) and the VM used 100% of my processor....
- utilities
- bookmark entity: do nothing after asking for a name
- ensure classes and namespaces: do nothing. What is it ?
- infer namespace parents based on names: do nothing
- set root folder does not work: I select a folder, and it does not keep my selection.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 668 by jannik.l...(a) moose menu - on a MooseModel -
import file structure
importing a file structure should not change the model name.