Hi Tudor,
It looks like replacing:
GLMMorphicListingRenderer>>#actOnUpdatedPresentation: anAnnouncement
treeMorph model updateRoots
GLMMorphicListingRenderer>>#actOnUpdatedPresentation: anAnnouncement
anAnnouncement presentation
suspendAllWhile: [ treeMorph model updateRoots ]
makes sense (I was having a lot of updates when updating on a list who was being "transmited" by a tree presentation)
what do you think? can I commit this?
The Moose build is finally green again!
I spent some time to add guard conditions to the menu entries that use the tool registration mechanism like this:
<menuItem: 'In Inspector' category: 'Browse'>
Smalltalk isInteractive ifTrue: [
self inspect ]
This solves the problem of triggering all the menu entries when in headless mode.
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."
Doru, it seems it was integrated.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <squeak-dev-noreply(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 3:30 AM
Subject: [Vm-dev] VM Maker: VMMaker.oscog-eem.86.mcz
To: vm-dev(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org, lewis(a)mail.msen.com
Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of VMMaker to project VM Maker:
==================== Summary ====================
Name: VMMaker.oscog-eem.86
Author: eem
Time: 27 June 2011, 4:09:22 am
UUID: 9fa2ae33-553f-4e81-b8d8-45c5ba299256
Ancestors: VMMaker.oscog-eem.85
Integrate Igor's fix from http://code.google.com/p/cog/issues/detail?id=46.
Modify to use #= instead of #== (important in the simulator)
I would like each finder's pane to be a simple browser instead of just
a presentation. The following does not work and I can't make it work.
When the #selection port is triggered, a new pane is correctly added
to the finder, but all of the finder's panes are updated with the same
content as the new one.
|navigator finder|
navigator := GLMTabulator new.
navigator row: #content.
navigator transmit to: #content; andShow: [:a | a list display:
navigator transmit from: #content; toOutsidePort: #selection.
finder := GLMFinder new.
finder show: [:a | a custom: navigator].
finder openOn: String
Could you please tell me what I did wrong or if it's a bug?
Thank you
Damien Cassou
"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
Status: Accepted
Owner: damien.c...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour
New issue 653 by damien.c...(a)gmail.com: [Glamour]
GLMBasicExamples>>staticAndDynamicMenu presents not working actions
0) open a transcript
1) execute: 'GLMBasicExamples open'
2) select 'Menus' (this is populated by the #staticAndDynamicMenu method)
3) go to the 'Text' tab
4) select some text (e.g., 'Character')
5) right click on the text and choose 'Print selection'
you would expect 'Character' to be printed but 'nil' is printed instead. If
you then go to the 'List' tab, select a letter and repeat the process from
step 3, you will get this letter printed in the transcript. I would have
expected the selected text to be printed.
Synoptic is a nice tool that offers mining of event state machines from custom logs. You basically get some log file, you define a regular expression that identifies the events (usually, an event on each line) and then pass both the file and the expression to Synoptic.
The result is an inferred state machine. This sounds pretty cool, and I think it can be used as an importer for Moose.
Here is the development webpage:
"If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair,
you will end up with a messy haircut."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Franco Sabadini <fsabadi(a)gmail.com>
Date: 2011/6/21
Subject: problems linking code
To: info(a)moosetechnology.org
Cc: juan.yue(a)hotmail.com, Santiago Vidal <santiago.a.vidal(a)gmail.com>
We're trying to use Moose to analyze code replication on a Java application,
but we haven't been able to link the model with the code, we already tried
the 2 possibilities that are shown on the moose book and nothing worked,
also we tried to do it with ArgoUML app and we couldn't do it either.
The Moose versions we tried are from 4.0 to 4.5, and we tried it in linux,
windows and in mac OS.
Do you have any idea what could be happening?
- Franco
I created a extension of the FAMIX meta-model to support XML. It was also
implemented an importer, some metrics and some simple visualization to the
XML tree.
The importer is in "Import FAMIX XML model from file sources" on the import
menu of Moose. It possible to import: setting a file, a directory with XML
files or from an URL.
Visualization is now under a group of FAMIXXMLElement ->
To try, first install the last version of Merlin and then the FamixXML:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'FamixXML';
package: 'ConfigurationOfMerlin';
(ConfigurationOfMerlin project version: #development) load.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'FamixXML';
package: 'ConfigurationOfFamixXML';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFamixXML) perform: #loadDefault
Andre Hora
I am happy you like Moose.
We know that "MooseScripts createModelForConfigurationOfMoose" creates a model that is stored in a global model cache. However, the idea was to reproduce an image that is large enough to not be openable with the Windows VM. The image with three large models opens just fine on Mac.
In the meantime, Igor produced a new version of the Windows VM that enables one to load this image. However, now the question is when these fixes will make it in the main branch.
Igor, do you happen to have an update on this issue?
On 26 Jun 2011, at 18:43, Alain Rastoul wrote:
> Hi,
> There was a previous message in the list about an out of memory problem with
> Moose when running
> 3 times MooseScripts createModelForConfigurationOfMoose
> I downloaded moose suite 4.5 (Pharo 1.3) and played a bit with it reading
> the moose book (nice).
> IMHO although something is perhaps not completly clear in the vm in memory
> allocation and/or ui process and/or low space watcher (I tryed to debug the
> vm but did not succeed), here the problem seems to be in the Moose model.
> I suspect that the problem is just that the cache keeps a reference to the
> Moose model each time the script is run, see at the end of
> MooseScripts>>createModelForConfigurationOfMoose the model is added to a
> cache ((MooseModel root => MooseGroupRuntimeStorage>> byType) and takes abut
> 130M of memory each time.
> clearing the Moose cache resolve the problem.
> MooseModel allInstancesDo:[ :m | m remove ] seems to be working here, except
> that there is an exception for the root model (I don't know Moose, it may
> not be the best command).
> Perhaps the moose model should not be added by type but overriden each time
> (beeing identified by a "name" ?).
> PS: Moose is cool :)
> Cheers
> Alain
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."
For Java, there is a grammar in PetitJava.
This ships with Moose and is available in the PetitJava squeaksource repo.
On 26 Jun 2011, at 18:59, Alain Rastoul wrote:
> Hi all,
> Do someone know about a PetitParser grammar for c# or java ?
> Verveine seems to be a Java development (and is not accessible).
> Cheers
> Alain
"Every successful trip needs a suitable vehicle."