Cc: tudor.girba
Comment #1 on issue 396 by alexandre.bergel: Mondrian should provide teh
start and end nodes in the edge action
I started to work on this (testHandlerOnEdge). However, I am unsure for few
view interaction on: MOMouseDown do: [ :v | ... ]
What v is supposed to be? The announcement or the value on which one has
It has to be the value I believe. However, it may brake already existing …
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code. We could leave it like this, and introduce on:withValueDo:
What do you think?
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Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 501 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: Cache independence
The core of Mondrian is not independent of the cache implementation. The
logic of Mondrian rely on the cache to implement its semantics. This is
obviously wrong.
"Answer the bounds of the receiver."
"the bounds is has an absolute origin"
"Note that the bounds …
[View More]computed above, may have (and it is likely to) a
different origin. The reason is that the layout is in charge to position
the nodes properly"
| basicBounds |
boundsCache ifNotNil: [ ^ boundsCache ].
"We check if the shape if present"
self shapeBoundsAt: self shape ifPresent: [ :b | ^ boundsCache := b ].
basicBounds := self shape computeBoundsFor: self.
self shapeBoundsAt: self shape put: basicBounds.
^ boundsCache := basicBounds
translateAbsoluteCacheBy: aPoint
absoluteBoundsCache ifNil: [ ^ self ].
absoluteBoundsCache := absoluteBoundsCache translateBy: aPoint
Thanks to Santiago Vidal for pointing this out!
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Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: vhane...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Spy
New issue 503 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: Abstract classes and Hapao
Gaëtan le Brun suggested to remove abstract classes before running the test
in Hapao.
This makes sense
Status: New
Owner: andreho...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 509 by andreho...(a)gmail.com: Modularization Quality Metric
We implemented the Bunch metrics of coupling and cohesion as quality
metrics for existing packages (FAMIXPackage) and namespaces
Now the idea is to implement the Modularization Quality Metric as a quality
metric for existing group of …
[View More]packages (FAMIXPackageGroup) and namespaces
Pointer to the papers that propose the metrics:
Using Automatic Clustering to Produce High-Level System Organizations of
Source Code (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=693283)
Bunch: A Clustering Tool for the Recovery and Maintenance of Software
System Structures
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Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: tudor.girba
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 489 by jfabry: Glamour: action list without the dropdown
I have a Glamour pane that is an actionList where I do 5
populate:on:entitled:with: so that the pane has 5 buttons. Now what happens
is that the pane also has a dropdown menu, with the same actions as the
buttons. This menu should not be there according to Doru ...
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: georgega...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-ExternalTools
New issue 543 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: inFusion does not export in UTF-8
MSE should be in UTF-8.
Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: georgega...(a)gmail.com
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-ExternalTools
New issue 532 by tudor.gi...(a)gmail.com: inFusion should also export
void, long, int, boolean, char, char[] ... should be PrimitiveTypes, not