Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: andreho...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-EyeSee Milestone-4.6
New issue 755 by tu...(a) EyeSee form does not properly take
into account the size of axis labels
It seems that the bounds of the form do not take into account the size of
the axis labels. Because of this, we get a cropped picture when we export,
and we get some refresh problems.
Try the following:
(ESExamples new verticalBar7 findDeeplyA: ESCanvas) exportAsPNG
If you inspect the resulting image, you will see that both the bottom
labels and the right one gets trimmed.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Engineering Priority-Medium Component-Famix
New issue 753 by Move annotations to NamedEntities
Usman and Nicolas, we are working on improving comments of Famix entities.
We thought that this thing is worth discussing.
Should all famix entities have annotations? For example, source-language,
source-anchor and associations cannot be annotated.
Doru's suggestion:
Good question. This is a question that we discussed a long time ago,
and we did not come up with a proper answer so, we just made it
However, in the meantime we learned a bit, and now we know that it
does not make sense to have annotation instances higher than
NamedEntity. So, we can safely move it there.
Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-Metanool Milestone-4.6
New issue 726 by andreho...(a) FM3PropertyDescription>>getRawFrom:
should return false in Boolean properties instead of nil
It avoids to use the binary message into the Finder with meta-annotated
Boolean properties when using Metanool.
For example, instead of:
each annotations hugeClasses = true
We have:
each annotations hugeClasses
What do you think?
Code to fix it is below.
FM3PropertyDescription>>getRawFrom: element
^ element privateState
attributeAt: self name
ifAbsent: [
(self type = FM3 boolean)
ifTrue: [false]
ifFalse: [nil] ]
As all of us know, Famix recognizes 4 types of associations (reference, access, inheritance, invocation) and Moosechef was built upon these dependencies (queryAllOutgoingReferences, ...)
For convenience, it adds queryAllOutgoingDependencies
but this will miss a good deal of actual dependencies, because many of them are not expressed by associations:
- return type of a method
- type of a variable
- exceptions caught, thrown
- parameter types in parameterized classes
- use of annotations
- other?
Since we now have a nice general API to query dependencies, it would be nicer if it were complete, ...
A possible solution would to rename queryAllOutgoingDependencies into queryAllOutgoingAssociations and change queryAllOutgoingDependencies to "do the right thing"
Or maybe invent new "virtual associations" (like ofTyp e) and create queries for these associations, ...
Hi all,
I'm just wondering if is possible to use Moose to install portable apps
Like Xmind[1] or Etoys[2]. Both have a packaging that include the
virtual machine and the software for Windows, Linux and Mac, so
installing it would be matter of telling moose where to download the
files and how to execute the proper file according to the operative
system. May be a more modular and intelligent way could be implemented
using the data analysis tools of moose and models to declare
dependencies between software and may be adding compiling tools or other
ways to install the software.
If you have any hint about where can I get started with this idea it
would be appreciated (I know that on this, pharo and pier mailing list I
continuously ask for pointers for different starting ideas... all they
are related, but now I just have not the time to start with them because
I was preparing the first part of my Ph.D exam... hopefully if I can get
any time to code and proper pointers, it will be with some code on
Smalltalk, instead of reinventing the wheel in other language).
Hi guys,
we are looking for a mean to exchange data between Moose and Eclipse+EMF.
Do you know if there is already something that would simplify this?
Maybe a way to export/import FM3 to ecore format? Or a transformation from Ecore to FM3?
nicolas + usman
I want to redefine the soft engineering metrics (in famix-extension-metrics) using MooseChef which is more concise and generic.
But for this I need to remove the implicit withoutSelfLoops from some query.
If anybody has something agains this removal, let him come forth and speak now or remain silent forever and ever.
Here is an example of how nice MooseChef can be.
myClasses collect: [:c | c queryAllOutgoingDependencies atClassScope withinMyPackage]
instead of:
myClasses collect: [:c | (c invokedClasses select: [:invoked | invoked packageScope = self])
((c superclass isNil not and: [c superclass packageScope = self])
ifTrue: [{c superclass}]
ifFalse: [#()])]
I need create a vertical bar chart with and I am having some difficulty to
deal of EyeSee technology.
My great difficulty is populate the chart model with correct data that will
appear in my chart. I cannot understand what type of data this model
accept, for example I tryed to put an instance of MooseGroup, but it didn't
I search for some help, but the only thing that i found was examples of
charts between classes of EyeSee, but this examples don't talk for itself
because it haven't any comments.
Might someone help to understand better the EyeSee?
Thanks in advance
Julio Martins
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I just wanted to let you know that over the past days I spent some
time resurrecting Dynamix, the implementation of a meta-model for
dynamic analysis.
I will probably finish working on it in the following couple of weeks.
"Every thing has its own flow"
HI guys
we will send the following version of a deliverable to the ANR.
We plan to use this version (and its follow up) to describe FAMIX30 officially.
Any feedback is welcome. I should thank doru for the diagrams (I put you as a co-author and if you do not want I can remove you).
We will maintain this version
+ add a hal entry and a bib entry for it.
I will send it around.