Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 745 by There is no need by default to
specify the importerClass when invoking the MooseCompositeImportTask
|importer |
importer := MooseSqueakClassPackageImporterTask new.
importer importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
can be safely rewritten as
|importer |
importer := MooseSqueakClassPackageImporterTask new.
importer importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
I had create several MSE files of different versions of a Java system
using VerveineJ. Then, I had tried to load them to the Moose Panel but
after load two of them I run out of memory in Moose (The Pharo error is "Space
is Low").
I had the same problem when loading several versions of Mondrian to Moose
Panel. However, we solved it by using the following script (we select only
those thing in which we are interested):
| mooseModel packages task |
#('2.10' '2.13' '2.100') do: [:version |
| project |
project := (ConfigurationOfMondrian project version: version).
project load.
"This is necessary by Moose to properly import"
Gofer new
url: '';
version: 'CollectionExtensions-TudorGirba.29';
packages := (project packages collect: #name) select: [:p |
p beginsWith: 'Mondrian'].
mooseModel := MooseModel new.
task := MooseSqueakClassCategoryImporterTask new.
task importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
task importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
task model: mooseModel.
task runCandidateOperator.
task addFromPackagesNamed: packages.
task runWithProgress.
mooseModel name: 'Mondrian ', version.
mooseModel allMethods do: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
mooseModel install.
] on: Error do: [ :ex | self halt. Transcript show: 'cannot load
version ', version, ' ', ex printString. ].
Is there any way to do the same with VerveineJ (that is, reduce the size of
the MSE files)? Or is there a way to expand the memory of Moose?
Santiago Vidal
I would like to release 4.6 soon. It's been too long, and it contains important fixes.
After this, we should allocate the effort to improve the packaging and the configurations. Perhaps one idea is to synchronize this re-packaging effort with the move to SmalltalkHub.
What do you say?
"Value is always contextual."
We found a bug in our code to get a smalltalkClass from a famix one and the
solution is that one
As you can see, we use the fact that when the classes are not merged their
names contains _class.
The problem is that we cannot use hasClassScope to distinguish whether the
method is a class method on a merged class
or a class method on non merged class.
The following code distinguish between the two in a dirty way.
In the following test
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'')
compiledMethod = (LANNode class>>#new).
shows that a class method on a merged class/metaclass should still returns
a compiled method of the metaclass.
Now is there a better way to do that than to rely on _class?
"Return the smalltalk class associated with the receiver. Note that it may
be different than doing self parentType because the class and metaclass can
be merged."
^ ('*_class' match: self parentType name)
ifTrue: [self parentType smalltalkClass]
ifFalse: [self hasClassScope
ifTrue: [self parentType smalltalkClass class]
ifFalse: [self parentType smalltalkClass]]
"self debug: #testWhenMergingClassAndMetaclassAccessWorks"
"this test tests that we can access smalltalk class and compiledMethod
from famix when the class and metaclasses are merged"
|model importer fmNewMethodName|
model := MooseModel new.
importer := MooseSqueakClassPackageImporterTask new.
importer importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
importer importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
importer model: model.
importer addFromPackageNamed: #'Moose-TestResources-LAN'.
importer run.
self assert: (( model entityNamed: LANNode mooseName) smalltalkClass =
self assert: ( model entityNamed: (LANNode>>#accept:) mooseName)
compiledMethod = (LANNode>>#accept:).
self assert: ( model entityNamed: LANNode mooseName) isInstanceSide.
self deny: ( model entityNamed: (LANNode>>#accept:) mooseName)
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'')
self assert: ( model entityNamed: (LANNode>>#accept:) mooseName)
smalltalkClass = LANNode.
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'')
smalltalkClass = LANNode class.
self assert: ( model entityNamed: #'')
compiledMethod = (LANNode class>>#new).
stef and ussman
How can I try MOTreeMapLayout? I only found a test but not an official example.
In one of my trees I just changed the layout to use this one. But when drawing there is an error because a point has a fraction as one of its coordinates (integer@fraction).
Best Regards,
Is there a description or a set of slides for EyeSee? I would like to show it to my students. is pretty empty now
If none, then I will make some
Alexandre Bergel
Status: New
Owner: georgega...(a)
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-ExternalTools
New issue 696 by inFusion should export the
Method, Function, and StructuralEntities should have a declaredType