Nicolas Paez tried to load Moose in a PharoCore.
But SmalltalkImporter depends on RB.
I think we should load RB in loadDefault.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Nicolas Paez <nicopaez(a)gmail.com>
> Date: August 27, 2010 10:16:50 GMT+02:00
> To: lsehub-staff(a)lists.gforge.inria.fr
> Subject: [Lsehub-staff] Moose installation issue
> Reply-To: notre liste <lsehub-staff(a)lists.gforge.inria.fr>
> Hi,
> Summary
> Pharo image: PharoCore-1.1-11411
> VM: Squeak4.1.1.exe
> Moose: Loaded using Gofer script available in SqueakSource.
> Issue: it fails when trying to general a Smalltalk model
> Details
> This morning I have started by taking a clean PharoCore-1.1 image and launching the installation of Moose using the following command:
> Gofer new
> squeaksource: 'Moose';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfMoose';
> load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMoose) perform: #loadDefault
> After some minutes the installation started I got the following warning message. It seems that Moose depends on the Refactoring Browser that is not present in the image.
> I proceeded with the process and it finished I try to create a Smalltalk Model including the following packages:
> Kernel
> System-Support
> Compiler
> Collections
> When the model generation started I get the following error (the SmalltalkMethodVisitor class is not present in the image):
> Regards,
> Nicolás
> _______________________________________________
> Lsehub-staff mailing list
> Lsehub-staff(a)lists.gforge.inria.fr
> http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/lsehub-staff
Jannik Laval
Hi. I am having a funny bug (I think). For a reason I don't know, some
properties (the ones that I think do not have any ocurrences), show a class
name instead of the selector.
Look and the attached picture. My example is something like
DistributionMap class >> anExample
^ (self onContainers: (self listOfCorePackagesNamesWithoutTests
collect: [ :each | (PackageInfo named: each) ]) elements: #classes
properties: [:element | element propertyInstancesStatesAndAmount ] )
and Class >> propertyInstancesStatesAndAmount
| usedInstanceCount unusedInstanceCount |
usedInstanceCount := 0.
unusedInstanceCount := 0.
self isAbstractClass ifTrue: [
(UnusedObjectDiscoverer current primitiveGetUsedBit: self)
ifTrue: [ ^ #abstractUsedClass ]
ifFalse: [ ^ #abstractNotUsedClass].
self instanceCount = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ #noInstances].
self allInstancesDo: [:inst | (UnusedObjectDiscoverer current
primitiveGetUsedBit: inst) ifTrue: [ usedInstanceCount := usedInstanceCount
+ 1 ] ifFalse: [ unusedInstanceCount := unusedInstanceCount +1 ] ].
(unusedInstanceCount = 0) ifTrue: [ ^ #hasInstancesButNotUsed].
(usedInstanceCount between: 1 and: 10) ifTrue: [^
(usedInstanceCount between: 11 and: 100) ifTrue: [^
(usedInstanceCount between: 101 and: 1000) ifTrue: [^
(usedInstanceCount between: 1001 and: 10000) ifTrue: [^
(usedInstanceCount between: 10001 and: 100000) ifTrue: [^
(usedInstanceCount between: 100001 and: 1000000) ifTrue: [^
The last 3 properties: #usedInstancesBetween1001And1000,
#usedInstancesBetween10001And100000, #usedInstancesBetween100001And1000000
I guess they have no ocurrences, but, in the reference place in the DM, it
shows a class name instead of theor own name, lilke the rest.
I tried to track down the issue, but I didn't find anything.
Thanks for any help.
In order to provide a reporting system for pharo, I implemented some tools
over arki, build some concerns, work on way to save reports.
There still work to do, but you can already test it and give me feedback if
you want :):
Download the package 'MooseComputedConcerns' at:
A message will tell you to resolve depencies by first loading
As the concern about benchmarks is not finished you can choose to 'proceed'
(the benchmarkConcern will just not been working).
Otherwise you can load 'System-Benchmarks' from the same repository (allow
'block argument assignement' in the settings before).
Then you will be able, in the moose panel, to right click on a model and
open a arki reporter.
You can then play a bit with the browser.
pay attencion : load the last version of 'Refactoring-core' to be able to
use the LintRules-Concern
Hi Alexander,
I updated my image today with the last version of Mondrian (541). I had previously (523).
The problem I noticed immediately is a terrible slowdown presenting popup views... They are used a lot in Torch for presenting diffs!!
Could you please find the problem?
I would like to be able to update the title of a browser. Here is what I do
for example:
|browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser title: 'browser'.
browser openOn: nil.
browser title: 'new browser name'.
browser update.
The browser always display 'browser' as title.
Do you have any idea of how to do that ?
I have some difficulties to update a GLMTreePresentation.
I wrote a small example to show my problem :
|browser collection|
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #list.
browser transmit to: #list; andShow: [:a |
a tree
title: 'list';
display: [ :aCollection | aCollection ].
collection := OrderedCollection withAll: #('a' 'b' 'c' 'd').
browser openOn: collection.
collection add: 'e'.
browser update.
browser openOn: collection
When an element is added to the collection, I would like the
GLMTreePresentation to make this new element visible. I tried to send
'update' to the browser, but it doesn't seems to work. Do you have any other
Is there anybody using the Cog VM on a regular basis?
I am using it for most of my development, and it now works quite well
(except for the methods as objects issue). It would be interesting to
collect problem reports.
"To lead is not to demand things, it is to make them happen."
Hi folks. I am trying to script some distribution maps. For the moment I was
doing simple things with just two colors. Example:
^ (DistributionMap onContainers: (self listOfCorePackages
collect: [ :each | (PackageInfo named: each) ]) elements: #classes
properties: [:element | element hasUsedInstances = true] )
That show me classes with used instances with blue and the rest with red.
Now I want:
element hasUsedInstances = true -> blue
element instanceCount > 0 and: [hasUsedInstances = false] -> red
the rest (without instances) -> yellow
Forget about the colors, I don't care which color (although it would be
cool to be able to choose). What I don't know how to do is to define
multiple properties. And I cannot use the wizard, I have to do it by code ;)
Can someone help ?
Thank you very much in advance.
Hi all,
I was looking for some reference to Ada code analysis in Moose
pubblications and found some
hints in the following docs:
It is not clear whether (and eventually how) it is possible to analyse
Ada (95) code.
Is there something out-of-the-box?
Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback
PS: I also read the tutorial about PetitParser in order eventually to
write a parser for Ada
but I would of course prefer to concentrate on looking the evaluation
of the sw analysis
rather them building the basic block required ...
Enrico Spinielli
"Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"— Philip K. Dick
"Hear and forget; see and remember;do and understand."—Mitchel Resnick
Hi Pharoers, and Smalltalkers in general,
Have you seen waited to assess the cycles in your software? Now you can :)
We request some of you to perform an experiment using DSM to see your software package structure and to fix cycles between packages. Our tool shows dependencies between packages and highlight some bad dependencies generating structure cycles. It also helps to understand dependencies.
Your goal is to fill a survey using our tool.
I prepared a mini-tutorial about DSM and eDSM. It can help you to understand the visualization tool.
To ease the use of our tool, I loaded it in a PharoCore1.2. And there are two archives available:
- the first contains an image with our tool with a model of Pharo loaded in it, so you can play with our tool on pharo itself. It can be downloaded here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7739334/dsmWithPharo.zip. Pay attention, the image is slow.
- the second contains the same thing without the model of Pharo. Here, you have to load your code, then populate a moose model and use the tool. It can be downloaded here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7739334/dsmWithoutPharo.zip
The two archives contain the tutorial and the survey. If you are a pharo integrator, we suggest you to take the one with Pharo model loaded, else the other.
To use our tool, load your tool in Pharo. Then do "MoosePanel open", and import your software in Moose by "import from Smalltalk image". When it is imported, select your project in the list on the left of MoosePanel, and select "all model packages" on the list on center.
Then, you have two choices:
- you can scan all your project: right click on "all model packages" and do DSM.
- or select "all model packages" then select some packages in the next list and right click, do DSM.
After that, you can perform the survey (with reading of the tutorial). We need your answers for the end of August. So, you have two months to do it.
If you have any question, just let me know.
Best regards,
Jannik Laval
PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)