Hi there
I would like your opinion on Issue 287: allModelPackages does not retrieve pure extension packages
One proposed solution is to set the isStub flag on package/namespace imported because of stub classes (i.e., not specifically requested by the user).
For now, this is a smalltalk specific problem. However, it would be good if the semantic is clearly agreed between the importers.
Hi Jannik,
You can now use:
a tree
a tree
On 15 Jan 2010, at 03:19, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi Jannik,
> 1. It is not yet possible to do that, but I created an issue:
> http://code.google.com/p/moose-technology/issues/detail?id=292
> 2. To me it looks like it should work if the system variable points
> to the root object that was affected by the change. In any case, you
> do not have to do the announce dance when you want to explicitly
> force an update. Just send #update to the presentation (the first
> parameter of the act block).
> If it does not work, I would need an executable code including the
> objects. Best would be to create a dummy example with simple objects
> (like it is in the GLMBasicExamples).
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 14 Jan 2010, at 16:59, Laval Jannik wrote:
>> Hi Doru,
>> sorry for duplicated mail.
>> Here is a part of my code which does not work.
>> =====
>> | browser announcer |
>> browser := GLMTabulator new.
>> announcer := Announcer new.
>> browser column: #versions.
>> browser showOn: #versions; using: [
>> browser tree
>> format:[:system | system name];
>> display: [:each | each orionModels select:[:om | om parentModel
>> = nil]];
>> children: [:each | each childrenModel];
>> act: [:each | each selection createNewChildVersion. announcer
>> announce: OrionModelAdded] entitled: 'create a child';
>> updateYourselfOn: OrionModelAdded from: [announcer];
>> shouldValidate: true;
>> registerAnnouncements.
>> ].
>> ^ browser
>> ==========
>> Cheers,
>> Jannik
>> On Jan 14, 2010, at 16:53 , Laval Jannik wrote:
>>> Hi Doru,
>>> I have two questions for you about Glamour :)
>>> - the simple one: is it possible to open a tree-pane with an
>>> opened tree: in my case, I always use the last item of the tree,
>>> so it is slow to open each level.
>>> - the second one: I try to use updateYourselfOn:from: on a treePane.
>>> In a previous version of Glamour (I don't know which one, but a
>>> recent one), it works but it is unstable. In the latest version of
>>> Glamour, it does not work.
>>> In your example, this method works on a list-pane.
>>> The question is: do you know this issue ? if no, I can try to do
>>> an example... but maybe it is my code which does not work also...
>>> Cheers,
>>> ---
>>> Jannik Laval
>>> ---
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "Yesterday is a fact.
> Tomorrow is a possibility.
> Today is a challenge."
"Presenting is storytelling."
I played a bit with the finder and the meta browser to add titles for
each pane. You need the latest Moose-Finder and Glamour for this.
MoosePanel open.
MooseModel browseMeta.
"What we can governs what we wish."
I never understood the purpose of this method.
I see that is is in Moose-Core. Should it be placed in Famix-Extensions or even better, Famix-Java? It would remove two direct cycles :) (between Moose-Core, Famix-Core, Famix-Extensions)
BTW, FamixAnnotationType>>annotatedEntities should also be moved to Famix-Java.
Hi there
With Jannik, we are looking at cyclic dependencies between Moose packages. Here a few things about Glamour
1) Glamour-Core <-> Glamour-Helpers
Glamour-Helpers extends Object with asGlamourousMultivalue, which references GLMMultiValue defined in Glamour-Core (Glamour-Core itself relying on Glamour-Helpers of course).
- make #asGlamourousMultivalue an extension of Glamour-Core
- move GLMMultiValue in Glamour-Helpers
Neither should create an unwanted dependency
2) Glamour-Browsers <-> Glamour-Scripting
There are two methods initializeScriptingDefaults in the package Glamour-Browsers which could be moved to Glamour-Scripting.
This should remove all circuits between packages in Glamour.
I implemented a Moose Panel based on Glamour. It integrates both the
list of models and the finder. You can get it by executing: MoosePanel
The list of models is now updated using a new basic means to update a
Glamour presentation.
The importing actions are rendered as toolbar buttons based on the
specs from the MoosePaneCommand. The pane commands that do not specify
an icon, are rendered as menu that is spawned by pressing the "..."
toolbar button.
Please let me know what you think.
"Next time you see your life passing by, say 'hi' and get to know her."
Hi Alex
The title says it all :)
I like the way we can finally access common actions from the menu, as it enables discoverability. Why not add the 'previous scripts' command?
Mondrian has a number of tests related to the bounds of text nodes. I
am not sure why these fail. Is it because they were created with a
specific font in mind? Alex?
"Every thing has its own flow."
I just wanted to let you know that the latest version of Glamour will
bring up an unstable version. I will get back to you once it stabilizes.
"We cannot reach the flow of things unless we let go."
Dear List,
The package management in Pharo is getting more centralized.
I moved ConfigurationOfMoose, ConfigurationOfCAnalyzer,
ConfigurationOfMondrian in the SqueakSource package MetacelloRepository.
It would be great if you follow this convention.
I load the tools I need using the script:
#('Mondrian' 'CAnalyzer' 'Spy')
do: [:t |
| name |
name := 'ConfigurationOf', t.
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: name;
(Smalltalk at: name asSymbol) perform: #loadDefault ].
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu