okaaay, wrong reply-to, retweet....
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Simon Denier <Simon.Denier(a)inria.fr>
> Date: 28 janvier 2010 23:45:50 HNEC
> To: Simon Denier <Simon.Denier(a)inria.fr>
> Subject: Re: [Moose-dev] Building package cache
> On 26 janv. 2010, at 22:03, Simon Denier wrote:
>> On 26 janv. 2010, at 21:07, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>> I do not have a solution, but this is really annoying. In addition to the time taken by loading Moose, it makes 10 minutes just to check what are are dependencies Mondrian has.
>> Well, temporary solutions sometimes become less than temporary... I fear this is the case.
>> Maybe we can do something with an incremental, on-demand cache: whenever a class or method is imported, we check whether the cache has been built for it - if not, we built it.
> After playing a bit with the idea tonight, now I remember why I choose the global cache solution. So I explain how it works in the current system:
> To build the system cache, I go over all classes and all class extensions of PackageInfos and register their most specific package.
> Since I go over the whole system, I assume I know all class extensions in all classes.
> Now when I ask the package for a method, there are two cases:
> - either I can find it in the cache of class extensions and I return its package
> - either I can't find it, so I assume it is a normal method and retrieve the package of its class (from the cache).
> Now in an incremental cache system, I can cache a class when I import it, I can even cache a package so that its class extensions are imported, as above. The big problem is then that I can't assume that I know all class extensions within the class, because other packages (which I don't necessarily import) may do some. To do that, I should ask all methods within each imported class for its most specific package. This was more or less the situation we had before the cache, which brought the system to its knees on large projects. Perhaps I will try tomorrow but I don't have high hope. We need something better than that.
> --
> Simon
Hi Alex,
Is it possible to intégrate small fonts in Mondrian.
Alain Plantec has made a package named 'DejaVue' published in squeaksource.
It would be great to integrate it in Mondrian.
Jannik Laval
yesterday I tried to delete a moose model from my image using the function Utilities>>Delete on the moose panel. The model disappear from the list but saving the image it has the same size. Executing "MooseModel allInstances" I saw that the model was still there. I tried to close all windows and then i execute "Smalltalk garbageCollect" and again the saved image has the same size because the model has not been removed.
I'm working on the pharo dev image 10508, Moose-Core 215 but i detect the same error in an older image: pharo dev image 10502, Moose-Core 208.
Hi Jannik,
Sometimes the DSMMatrixTest>>testSorterLayer test is failing. Do you
happen to have an idea why? Is it a problem of the code or is it
actually a problem of the test?
I am asking because it is the only test that crashes from time to time
in the hudson builds :).
"Being happy is a matter of choice."
Hi there
Issue 28 is now closed. It was the last pending issue for 4.0 in Moose itself. Tests are green in Moose and we add another test for the case. So you should not notive any problem when running the importer.
Simon & Stef
In xml files generated with srcml, we can find the balise '<decl_stmt>..
</decl_stmt>'. Does anyOne know what it represent? Because I have the
impression that it represent sometimes a function declaration, But this is
not assimilate to a function declaration in CAnalyzer.
When opening a mooseModel in a mooseFinder, several groups of entities
appear ('all famixaaccess' 'all famixattribute'). How can I access to this
groups from the mooseModel.
I have tryed to send 'entityGroups' to a moose model (generated with
CAnalyzer) , but it only answer me a part of all the groups visible.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for implementing the zOrder! It works great.
What's even nicer is that in the process, it looks like issue the edge
clipping problem was also solved:
"In a world where everything is moving ever faster,
one might have better chances to win by moving slower."
It should now be okay. Please update to
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
Let's continue the discussion on the mailing list.
Yesterday evening I imeplemented zOrder. Howerver, I haven't detected
any noticiable slowdown. Here is the health report I just produced. I
use a 10508 image. Execute: MondrianHealth new produceReport
Do you have similar figures ? (I have a MacBook Pro).
Report produced on 2010-01-27T07:19:43+00:00
Benchmark ManyNode (simple rendering of nodes) :
100 nodes => 2 ms
200 nodes => 4 ms
300 nodes => 6 ms
400 nodes => 7 ms
500 nodes => 9 ms
600 nodes => 11 ms
700 nodes => 13 ms
800 nodes => 14 ms
900 nodes => 15 ms
1000 nodes => 18 ms
1600 nodes => 29 ms
Benchmark ManyEdges (simple rendering of edges) :
10 edges => 1 ms
20 edges => 6 ms
30 edges => 14 ms
40 edges => 27 ms
50 edges => 49 ms
60 edges => 77 ms
70 edges => 118 ms
80 edges => 175 ms
90 edges => 348 ms
100 edges => 362 ms
200 edges => 5349 ms
300 edges => 43118 ms
54.77 % of methods are covered
Progress from last time: 0.0 %
On 27 Jan 2010, at 05:25, Laval Jannik wrote:
> Il fonctionne ici.
> Par contre, j'ai un comportement bizarre avec les derniers versions
> de Mondrian:
> Il est vraiment vraiment lent.
> Il devient impossible d'utliser DSM car très difficile de scroller
> ou meme d'afficher les popup:
> Pour afficher une popup, je dois attendre plus de 8 secondes....
> Bouger la fenetre ou l'agrandir est aussi difficile.
> J'utilise une 10508-dev toute clean que j'ai chargé ce matin.
> Jannik
> On Jan 27, 2010, at 01:41 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> C'est vraiment bizarre. Le right-click ne m'offre pas de menu.
>> J'ai essayé de voir cela avec Doru, mais il n'arrive pas à
>> reproduire la chose.
>> Alexandre
>> On 26 Jan 2010, at 11:33, Laval Jannik wrote:
>>> sur all model packages dans moose,
>>> tu peux utliser DSM with Zoom.
>>> Dans la fenetre qui s'ouvre avec + et -, il y a normalement un
>>> refresh.
>>> Il fonctionne une premiere fois.
>>> Ensuite, il fonctionne seulement quand je selectionne une autre
>>> fenetre...
>>> Jannik
>>> On Jan 26, 2010, at 15:18 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>> Je suis en train de charger tout moose maintenant. Dis moi
>>>> comment je peux tester
>>>> Alexandre
>>>> On 26 Jan 2010, at 11:15, Laval Jannik wrote:
>>>>> Salut Alex,
>>>>> J'ai enlevé le code.
>>>>> Maintenant, il ne rafraîchi qu'une seule fois.
>>>>> Je ne comprends pas pourquoi.
>>>>> Jannik
>>>>> On Jan 23, 2010, at 15:15 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>>>> Enlève juste le code. Tu devrais quand meme avoir le refresh
>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>> On 22 Jan 2010, at 08:51, Laval Jannik wrote:
>>>>>>> Salut Alex,
>>>>>>> Pardon pour la réponse un peu tardive :)
>>>>>>> Oui c'est codé de cette façon :)
>>>>>>> Par contre, le code ne reconnait plus MorphicWindowAnnouncement.
>>>>>>> Y a-t-il un package particulier à charger ?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Jannik
>>>>>>> On Jan 16, 2010, at 00:52 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>>>> Juste pour info, si tu le code:
>>>>>>>> window announcer
>>>>>>>> on: MorphicWindowAnnouncement
>>>>>>>> do: [:ann | self root resetFormCacheResursively].
>>>>>>>> que tu as dans openDSM, openDSMDemo et openDemo, cela devrait
>>>>>>>> marcher pareil.
>>>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>>>>>>>> Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
>>>>>>>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>>>>>> Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
>>>>>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>>>> --
>>>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>>>> Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
>>>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
>>> ---
>>> Jannik Laval
>>> PhD Student - Rmod Team - INRIA
>>> Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA)
>>> http://www.jannik-laval.eu
>>> http://rmod.lille.inria.fr
>>> ---
>> --
>> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
>> Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
>> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu