Hi all
I reintroduced flatCollect: fixing also collectUnion:
I deprecated collectUnion: and replaced all the occurence of
collectUnion: in mooseDevelopment and friends
let me know if this is ok for you.
I would know if there is a mean to only import in a MooseModel the selected
packages in the MooseBrowser?
For example, when I import the bundle Moose in Moose Browser, I would only
have in the MooseModel the packages of the bundle.
I hope it was clear.
let us imagine that we would like to see what would happen if we would
a class A from package P1 to P2, without changing the source code and
may be been able to undo the change
Solution A:
We could copy the complete model, modify it. (and keep somewhere an
Solution B:
We could change the model and keep an history of the changes (move A
P1 P2).
Solution C: I could cache in each model a timestamp similar to what
frederic pluquet did
and know at which version modification we are. then for a given
changes I could get the model by getting entity at the same level or
Any thoughts on that.
I have the impression that solution B is easier.
I'm beginning with moose and I've a problem with Mondrian
I want to generate visualization with this code :
view newShape rectangle; height: #numberOfMethods; width:
#numberOfAttributes; linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within:
classes; withBorder.
view nodes: classes.
view edges: classes
from: [:each | each superclass]
to: [:each | each].
view treeLayout.
I think it's correct because I've found it on http://moose.unibe.ch/tools/mondrian/tour?_s=LrcZtOGEBQIygSJg&_k=RnnrLpmU&_…
But I've problem with symbols (like #numberOfMethods) : they are not
Maybe there is a special manipulation to do ?
I've done this :
- open Moose
- "Open in Mondrian Easel"
- inset this code in the window
- "generate view"
Thanks to help me
Hi Jannick!
Glad to hear that you jump on the boat!
Best would be to ask the moose mailing list.
You may want to register the mailing list for this. I do not have the
answer right now.
On 27 Jun 2008, at 14:51, jannick.menanteau.gmail wrote:
> J'essai de générer des visualisations dans Mondrian:
> view newShape rectangle; height: #numberOfMethods; width:
> #numberOfAttributes; linearFillColor: #numberOfLinesOfCode within:
> classes; withBorder.
> view nodes: classes.
> view edges: classes
> from: [:each | each superclass]
> to: [:each | each].
> view treeLayout.
> C'est un code trouvé sur http://moose.unibe.ch/tools/mondrian/tour?_s=LrcZtOGEBQIygSJg&_k=RnnrLpmU&_…
> Le problème est que les symboles (#numberOfMethods par exemple) ne
> sont pas définis...
> Y a-t-il une manipulation spécifique à faire ?
> Voici comment j'ai procédé :
> - ouverture de Moose
> - "open in Mondrian Easel"
> - insertion du code dans la fenêtre au centre bas
> - "generate view"
> Merci
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
did someone set up the google code for Moose? If so can you send the link...
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Hi doru
in Squeak I started to get some green tests :)
Now if you load and try to run testClassSides
you get an error because allClasses does not return a model but a
^self isClassSide
[self mooseModel allClasses
entityNamed: (self mooseName , '_class') asSymbol]
ifTrue: [self]
can you have a look?
Hi Doru
There are several methods in MooseFamixModel that depend on
I suggest to move them there. Do we agree?
- la méthode hasSubclasses dans FAMIXClass
- la méthode hasSuperclasses dans FAMIXClass
- la méthode hasEmptyBody dans FAMIXAbstractBehaviouralEntity (2
Then in MooseUI
mooseKill <menuItem: 'Kill' nameKey: nil menu: #(#menuBar #tools
#mooseUtilities) position: 1> SCG.Moose.MooseModel kill
depends on MooeUIExtensions
So may be we should move it there.
I have a question. What is the name of the class in Squeak when there
is no (or just Smalltalk as namespace?
| mseClass |
mseClass := self model entityNamed: #'Node'.
self assert: mseClass name = #Node.
self assert: mseClass mooseName
= (FAMIX2NameResolver
uniqueNameForClassNamed: Node name
scope: (FAMIX2NameResolver moosify: Node environment
I imagined