Are there any plans making Moose load in VisualWorks 7.6?
- The Setup package breaks the launcher and the code browser.
Unfortunately MooseSetup (1.6,girba) also loads the Setup package.
- Then I tried to manually load Moose Config (1.25,girba), what
doesn't seem to reach an end and just keeps on loading forever.
Now I am lost ;-)
Btw, ASBAqua and ASBLook (from public StORE) are really cool if you
are on a Mac. For the first time it doesn't hurt to look at the VW
[View More]Lukas Renggli
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Thanks Alex!
I have a question: you parse the Java class until the method level, but
you do not parse what is inside the methods (method body), don't you?
I will send you a Java class to your private email account (just to not
pollute the mailing list) that can not be parsed, or at least I have the
following message:
"Token not expected in file c:\Documents and
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> …
[View More]Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 17:23:30 -0400
> From: "Bergel, Alexandre" <bergel(a)>
> Reply-To: Related to the development of Moose and other related tools
> <moose-dev(a)>
> To: Related to the development of Moose and other related tools
> <moose-dev(a)>
> Subject: [Moose-dev] Re: Importing JAva files into Moose
> Hola Gabriela!
> I recently worked on a Java importer for Moose. It works (for what I
> need it for :-)
> Look at the package JavaSupport4MOOSE on Store@SCG.
> You will have a new entry in the import button in the moose facade...
> Let me know, I provide free support :-)
> It does not import everything, but you should be able to have class
> inheritance and dependencies between classes. If you need other
> stuff, I can spend some time on this...
> Alexandre
> On 24 Mar 2008, at 17:16, Gabriela Arevalo wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> How do I import the Java Files into Moose?
>> I tried J2Moose, but the only info I get in the .mse file is the
>> following:
>> (Moose.Model (entity
>> ))
>> I installed the J2Moose plugin into Eclipse and when I execute the
>> J2Moose>J2Moose, I do not get any information.
>> CHeers,
>> gabi
>> _______________________________________________
>> Moose-dev mailing list
>> Moose-dev(a)
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Dear all,
Anyone knows the magic invocation to extract the content of an easel?
Ideally, I would like to provide a script and to get a .jpg/png/
I am not that fit with the VW GUI...
Alexandre Bergel
Dear list,
Mondrian is a great tool :-)
I have a question, how can I add a label under a box. I tried the
following script:
view nodes: mooseModel allClasses forEach: [:each |
view newShape label text: #name.
view verticalLineLayout.
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout.
But I still have unlabeled boxes...
Alexandre Bergel
Dear Moose community,
In the past two years, I have been working on 3D visualization of
software. During this time I developed a tool called CodeCity, built
on top of Moose.
In CodeCity, software systems are represented as cities. Some of you
may have seen a demo of CodeCity during ESUG 2007 or at the Moose Dojo.
However, not many of you have played with it yet. Let's change that!
You can download CodeCity at:
I would appreciate your …
[View More]feedback and use it to make the next release
of CodeCity better.
[View Less]
We are pleased to announce that a new edition of FAMOOSr (Workshop on
FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering) is going to be organized together
with TOOLS 2008.
The workshop will be a 1 day event and will take place at the end of
June or beginning of July. The exact day will be announced later.
The deadline for submissions of either experience reports (4 pages) or
position papers (2 pages) is: May 5.
More information can be found at:
[View More]Doru, Orla and Michele
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My question means that : how can i extract the informations from mse
file? Is it possible to use this format like a moose model in
implementation? Is it possible to do something like: anMseFile allClasses?
I would to use ArrowShape for some edges but I did not succeed yet :-(
I specified the edges shape like that:
using: (ArrowShape goofy)
but that did not work, how we can visualizing edges as arrow and how
we can specifying the direction of the arrow (ex: #atEnd #atStart).
In some visualization I need the CircleLayout. But the pb in the
actual implementation of this layout that some nodes could appear over
(or very very near of) some other nodes; while some other nodes
appear with a very high distance from the rest (see the attached
picture). This way visualizations does not scale well and we have the
pb of overheads.
In the attached picture I specified the layout as following: view
circleLayout scaleBy: 50.
If I increase the number of scale the …
[View More]view will be very very large and
if I decrease it we will have a lot of overheads.
Could we do something for ameliorating this layout?
do you know an another layout that work well for cases that we could
have ad-hoc edges between a large number of nodes? (I tested the
ForceBasedLayout and unfortunately it does not work well for such a
case as in the attached picture)
best wishes,
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