Hi doru
right now isAbstract and isPublic are in the Famix-Smalltalk and I
think that they should be in core.
After we could have isPackageProtected for Java in Famix-Java.
Hi guys
in Famix30 we would like to have the isStub property to false.
Since marking as a stub is really something that we do on purpose when
for example
an access does not find the instance variable it should get.
Tell me what us think.
Stef and Jannik
I suppose that the following list of pragmas means that I have a
collection of behavior entities
Is is correct?
<MSEProperty: #candidates type: #FAMIXBehaviouralEntity opposite:
#incomingInvocations> <multivalued>
Now it means that I cannot interpret the first pragma in isolation?
I not sure I like that design
I would like to know (may be it would be good to have a FAMIX30
document even a draft)
- because this is really frsutrating to work on FAMIX30 in the dark -
what is the mapping between
FAMIX2Invocation and FAMIX3Invocation
in invokes -> signature
in FAMIX20 in FAMIXInvocation we have cleaarCandidates
self candidateList: nil
Now how to I code that in presence of FMMulti*Link
since in FAMIX30 candidates are stored in FMMulti*Link
Could not we rename the protocol value: of FMMultiValue: with contents
because each time I read it
I wonder what is the block?
Hi all
in SqMoose I coded the classVar, class instVar and instance var in
presence of merging.
I will do the same in Famix30.
Then I will port that in VWMoose.
Hi all, me again,
with CookHITS 6.45
I do get in
viewPackagesArchitectureWithHitsOn: view
something like
view interaction popupText: [:entity :popupView | entity name asString]
which gets handled as
popupText: aBlock
self onMouseEnter: [:entity | Mondrian.Popup show: (aBlock value: entity)].
which gives exception dialogs popping up frequently.
Hope that I didn't load some wrong configuration.
This offers indeed very useful views; thanks a lot.
Thomas Schrader
mailto thomas j schrader at web de
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Hi everybody,
with CookFingerprintViews 9.12
I do get in FAMIXPackage>>serializedStaticReferencingPackages
someCollection := someCollection sort: [bla]...
This is IMHO erroneous.
Thoms Schrader
mailto thomas j schrader at web de
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Dear Radu and members of the Moose-List,
I am not sure whether my question is specific to moose or iPlasma, but
I think that it is of a general interest. Are dependencies between
Java classes extracted using iPlasma from the .java files? To
illustrate this, let's assume I have these two classes:
public class A {}
public class C { A a;}
The relation "C refers to A" does not seem to be contained in the .mse
file. The attribute 'a' is defined as:
(id: 17)
(name 'a')
(belongsTo (idref: 15))
(hasClassScope false)
(accessControlQualifier package)
(NMAV 0.0)
No ref to 'A' therefore.
In Java4Moose, I extended the FAMIXClass with dependentClasses, that
returns a list of FAMIXClass that are statically referenced in the
receiver famix class. I principally did this as an exercise, but it
seems that this information is missing in famix. Doru, you told me at
the famoosr workshop that iPlasma extract static dependency. Where
does this appear?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu