Dear MOOSEers,
As an exercise, I am parsing Java files and loading the corresponding
Java classes in a moose model.
Whereas it seems that I fill the model well, I got a rollback when
using the Moose GUI façade.
I spend some time on it, but I failed in trying to debug it.
It seems that a famix element should know about the model it is part
of. But I do not know how to set it.
the error comes from the method:
FAMIXAbstractStruture >>incomingAccesses
^self entityGroups at: #incomingAccesses ifAbsentPut: [self
mooseModel allAccesses select: [:each | each accesses = self]].
self mooseModel returns nil
If you want to try, you can load the package JavaSupport4Moose in the
I attached a short java file to try this. Once the package loaded,
click on the "..." button in the Moose GUI.
The test Java4MOOSETest>>testReadingJavaFile is green
Alexandre Bergel
Was wondering how comes that the class Importer inherits from
collection? Is an importer really a collection?
Again, sorry in case of a naive question
Alexandre Bergel
Was wondering how comes that the class Importer inherits from
collection? Is an importer really a collection?
Again, sorry in case of a naive question
Alexandre Bergel
Sorry if my question illustrates my ignore in Moose :-)
Alexandre Bergel
Hi guys
I would like to know how we will migrate to FAMIX20 to 30
because I would like also to extract references (if I remember we
will have access and references).
And I'm right now chasing a bug in references extraction.
I totally agree that the "base programmer" needs to be supported, but
on the other hand we should offer the tools to extend Moose. It is
just that I do not understand exactly what the advantages/
disadvantages are, and I propose to start a discussion on that.
I do not understand exactly the solution, but here is what I
understood as the reasons for wide classes:
1. extend the state of a class from another package
2. save memory by only allocating a instance variable slot when it is
3. (speed?)
1. In VW we can extend the methods and that allowed us to have a nice
extensible architecture. In the same way, we should be able to extend
the state as well, for example for caching results performed by a
method extension.
That is why currently, we have __state__ in each entity that has
dictionaries for storing such results, and we wrap the calls to
__state__ in setters and getters. For example, in DynaMoose we have:
^self __state__ attributeGet: #instances initializer:
[ OrderedCollection new ]
FAMIXClass>>instances: aCollection
^self __state__ attributeSet: #instances value: aCollection
The symbol is only used here. All tools work nicely with that
(actually, in VW looking for senders of a method will also get you
the usages of the symbol). This mechanism is crucial for extending
the meta-model.
The wide classes solution would pose the same overhead on the
2. The second reason for the wide classes is to reduce the memory
footprint, because you will only get a slot if you use it.
The current solution will create a dictionary for all instance
variables extensions and an entry for each of them. I would be
curious to see what the difference is.
3. Speed. I am definitely not sure about this point, but wide classes
should be faster than looking into a dictionary. But, I do not
believe this has a real impact over the overall performance, in
particular given that the dictionary are rather small.
Of course, you can just bash anything I wrote here :)
"There are no old things, there are only old ways of looking at them."