Moose-dev November 2007
  • 25 participants
  • 45 discussions

How can I get the moose name of a smalltalk class?
by stephane ducasse
17 years, 3 months

what is the license of META et FAME
by stephane ducasse
17 years, 3 months

CodeFoo.Task tutorial
by Adrian Kuhn
17 years, 3 months

What is a model method?
by Alexandre Bergel
17 years, 3 months

by Tudor Girba
17 years, 3 months

Do we want to have classSide returning the class when the importer merge class and metaclass?
by stephane ducasse
17 years, 3 months

Apparently the import of FAMIXClass accessedByList is broken
by stephane ducasse
17 years, 3 months

why methods is not a set in FamixClass
by stephane ducasse
17 years, 3 months

Could I get a list of bugs to smash in moose?
by stephane ducasse
17 years, 3 months

Creating and filling a model?
by Bergel, Alexandre
17 years, 3 months
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