The way to do this is to create transmissions from custom ports, and to populate those
from the actions.
Here is an example:
composer := GLMCompositePresentation new.
composer tabulator with: [:t |
t column: #index; column: [:c | c row: #recepient1; row: #recepient2].
t transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a |
a list
selectionAct: [:list | (list pane port: #custom1) value: list selection ] on: $1
entitled: 'To recepient 1';
selectionPopulate: #custom2 on: $2 entitled: 'To recepient 2' with: [:list |
list selection ] ].
t transmit from: #index port: #custom1; to: #recepient1; andShow: [:a |
a text title: 'Recepient 1'].
t transmit from: #index port: #custom2; to: #recepient2; andShow: [:a |
a text title: 'Recepient 2'].
composer openOn: ($a to: $z)
In this example, I use two ways to populate a custom port:
- Using the default API: selectionAct: [:list | (list pane port: #custom1) value: list
selection ] on: $1 entitled: 'To recepient 1'
- Using the shortcut API (the same as above, only with slightly nicer method names):
selectionPopulate: #custom2 on: $2 entitled: 'To recepient 2' with: [:list | list
selection ] ]
On Jan 19, 2013, at 11:21 AM, Nicolas Anquetil <Nicolas.Anquetil(a)inria.fr> wrote:
In a Glamour browser with 3 pane (#master, #slave1, #slave2)
I would like to be able to "send" the selection in #master either to #slave1 or
a nice behaviour would be:
- if I select a line into #master, it is transmitted to #slave1
(browser transmit) from: #master; to: #slave1
- but on a context menu in #master, I can tell him to send to #slave2 instead
act: [:each | each selection something-here] entitled: 'Display in slave 2';
among other things, it means the selection+context menu in #master would not
automatically transmit to #slave1
Another question is what should I put in the act: block to transmit to #slave2 ?
Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)
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