Hi Stef,
Thanks for looking into this. I think these kind of discussions are important.
The goal of this notation was to keep the language as simple as possible, but in this case
it would indeed be better to have a different selector for the composite.
I do not like rowNamed: / columnNamed: because they are just too long. I will introduce a
compositeRow: and compositeColumn: for the composite ones, and keep row: / column: for the
single ones. As a transitory phase, we will still be able to send a block to row:/column:
for a while.
On 30 Oct 2010, at 18:06, stephane ducasse wrote:
I was sending this email to doru but I forward it to
moose-dev since other people use it and I would like to get more feedback on glamour.
row: [ :r | r column: #namespaces; column: #classes; column: #methods ];
row: #details.
I do not like that row: is used to declare columns and at the same time with a name
to the row:
why this is not
rowNamed: #details
then why
row: (Column with: {#namespaces classes methods)
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