On 04/14/2011 02:09 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
On 14 Apr 2011, at 22:49, Dale Henrichs wrote:
Could you point me to the original mail where you
argued for this?
I would have to look for it, so better stat afresh :)
From this thread I cannot tell (I know, I guess
I am just dense:) what the problem is nor what the proposed solution would be, so I cannot
comment without some more context...
It's quite possible that I missed the point the last time around, so you'll have
to start at the beginning of this conversation to bring me into the loop:)
The whole current discussion started from the realization that:
ConfigurationOfRPackage project load: #'1.0' --> looks for a symbolic
ConfigurationOfRPackage project load: '1.0' --> looks for a regular version
I said that this is confusing, and I believe it does not have to be like that if symbolic
versions are treated the same as regular versions.
FWIW, I intended for symbolic versions to be in a separate namespace, so
that #stable, #bleedingEdge, #development and any other symbolic
versions wouldn't inadvertently collide with a literal version of the
same name.
Symbolic versions are defined differently and mean something different
from literal versions, so I wanted a user to be able to look at a load
expression and know that if she saw something that looked like this:
ConfigurationOfRPackage project load: #'1.0'
That she would not be surprised when the `ConfigurationOfRPackage
project currentVersion` answered '1.0-beta.28.3' and not #'1.0'.
So when someone gets the error 'Symbolic version not found' when they
try to run `ConfigurationOfRPackage project load: #'1.0'`, I say that it
is doing exactly what it should be doing ...
With that said, I don't deny that it is confusing, but really not any
more confustion than getting the error 'Version not found' when trying
to run the following expression `ConfigurationOfRPackage project load:
'1,0'`...There's a typo in the expression and it would be nice if the
error said, "you've put a #, instead of $. in the version name"...
Finally, I think that the distinction between symbolic versions and
literal versions will be much more obvious in the MetacelloBrowser and
typing errors won't be the primary issue...