Sean P. DeNigris wrote
Tudor Girba-2 wrote
Experimenting further…
This script adapted from a Glamour example recreates the problem:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser column: #one.
browser act: [:list | list entity add: Number subclasses atRandom. list
update ] iconName: #back on: $n entitled: 'Update'.
browser transmit
to: #one;
andShow: [ :a |
a fastTree
title: 'Fast Tree';
act: [:list | list entity add: Number subclasses atRandom. list update
] iconName: #add on: $n entitled: 'Update';
children: [ :class | (class subclasses first: class subclasses size
atRandom) sort: [ :b :c | b asString < c asString ] ].
a fastTree
title: 'Fast Expanded';
children: [ :class | class subclasses sort: [ :b :c | b asString < c
asString ] ];
browser openOn: (GLMPresentation subclasses asOrderedCollection)
For both the top-level and tree actions:
- neither updates the current tab
- both update the inactive tab, but only if it has not been clicked on yet
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