Comment #1 on issue 1074 by damien.c...(a) Distribution map for
these elements not working
Smalltalk stack dump:
0xffa4eb50 M CairoFreetypeFontRenderer>renderCharacters:from:to:
0xbbe740e8: a(n) CairoFreetypeFontRenderer
0xffa4eb74 M AthensCairoCanvas(AthensCanvas)>drawString: 0xbbe74014: a(n)
0xffa4eb9c M [] in ROAthensCanvas>drawString:at:font:color: 0xbbe83408:
a(n) ROAthensCanvas
0xffa4ebbc M BlockClosure>ensure: 0xbbf848d8: a(n) BlockClosure
0xffa4ebdc M AthensCairoMatrix>restoreAfter: 0xbbe74040: a(n)
0xffa4ebfc M ROAthensCanvas>drawString:at:font:color: 0xbbe83408: a(n)
0xffa4ec38 M [] in ROLabel>drawOn:for: 0xbbe54304: a(n) ROLabel
0xffa4ec5c M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0xbbe543ac: a(n) Array
0xffa4ec78 M ROLabel(ROAbstractLabel)>linesOf:do: 0xbbe54304: a(n) ROLabel
0xffa4eca8 M ROLabel>drawOn:for: 0xbbe54304: a(n) ROLabel
0xffa4dafc M ROLabel(ROShape)>chainedDrawOn:for: 0xbbe54304: a(n) ROLabel
0xffa4db1c M ROElement(ROAbstractComponent)>drawOn: 0xbbe541c4: a(n)
0xffa4db44 I [] in ROView>drawElementsOn: 0xbbe52258: a(n) ROView
0xffa4db64 M OrderedCollection>do: 0xbbe7422c: a(n) OrderedCollection
0xffa4db8c I [] in ROView>elementsToRenderDo: 0xbbe52258: a(n) ROView
0xffa4dbac M SortedCollection(OrderedCollection)>do: 0xbbe74150: a(n)
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