Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 742 by smalltalkClass and compiledMethod
extensions should be covered by tests
especially when the mporter semantics is to distinguish or not metaclasses.
Right now
"Returns the associated smalltalk class if it exist in the system."
^ FAMIXNameResolver smalltalkClassFromFamixClassName:
self name ifAbsent: [nil]
"Return the compiled method associated to the receiver or nil"
| realClass |
realClass := self parentType smalltalkClass.
self hasClassScope
ifTrue: [realClass := realClass class].
^ realClass isNil
ifFalse: [realClass compiledMethodAt: self name asSymbol]
ifTrue: [nil]
It is strange that we have to do the test hasClassScope in the
compiledMethod method since normally smalltalk should correctly handle it.