Dear all,
I have a question about the library EyeSee and Glamour Seaside:
I can use EyeSee to show the composite Diagram(you can see plotVector:
aSymbol) and it run very well on Pharo + Moose.
Now, my goal is representation of this diagram on Glamour Seaside(using
browser, display on Glamour+Pharo and on the web Glamour+Seaside). But I
don't find any solution for resolve this problem.
The code on Pharo + EyeSee:
The data that I use is a type Dictionary : a Dictionary 'result'
a result : key #I value: a vector I ( I1, I2 , I3)
key #S value: a vector S (S1, S2, S3)
From this data, I return key and value and call a
method plotVector:
result keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :eachSeries | eachSeries sqrt
Function plotVector to show diagram:
plotVector: aSymbol
| cqdiag f Ylabel nbSpecies listColor diagRenderer |
cqdiag := ESCompositeDiagram new.
nbSpecies := (data at: 1) size.
listColor := self initializeListColors.
Ylabel := 'Number of Individuals of ',aSymbol asString.
1 to: nbSpecies do:[:i|
f := [ :x | (self atIndex: x) at: i ].
diag := (ESDiagramRenderer new lineDiagram)
y: f;
defaultColor: (listColor at: i);
yAxisLabel: Ylabel;
models: index.
cqdiag add: diag.
cqdiag width: 1200.
cqdiag height: 500.
cqdiag preferredAxisMaxY: (self preferredDataMax).
diagRenderer := ESDiagramRenderer new.
diagRenderer diagram: cqdiag.
^ diagRenderer open
My goal is represent this composite diagram (a ESDiagramRenderer ---> n
lineDiagram) on Seaside + Glamour. I looked the examples of eyeseeDiagram on
GLMBasicExample and SGLBasicExample but I haven't idea to resolve my
problem. Could you help me, please!
Best regards,
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