Hi Leonardo,
Font are indeed quite problematics. Especially on Windows as far as I have seen.
First of all, you should use Roassal 2. Roassal 1 is not supported anymore.
Second, I recommend you to use FreeType fonts. This will help the font problem for Roassal
2 (and maybe for Roassal1).
unselect and select again the Use Free Type option. And pick some free type fonts as
standard fonts.
On Apr 26, 2014, at 4:14 PM, Leonardo Silva <leonardo.humberto(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
The following code is an example to show the problem I am facing.
| view element |
view := ROView new.
element := (ROElement new size: 20) + ROBorder @ RODraggable.
view add: element + (ROLabel new text: 'Class1').
element := (ROElement new size: 20) + ROBorder @ RODraggable.
view add: element + (ROLabel new text: 'Class2').
ROHorizontalLineLayout new on: view elements.
view open.
The labels do not show 'Class1' and 'Class2' as expected, but only
'Class' and 'Class'. The numbers do not appear. See image below:
And if I change the label adding more numbers, like in 'Class22222', the result
is weirder than before. See image below:
What's wrong? Am I missing something?
I am using Pharo 3.0 with Moose 5.0 image.
Thanks in Advance,
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Alexandre Bergel