For the visualization, suppose you can get an order of containers and
for each container you get an ordered set of elements. Also, suppose
the you can ask the element for an identifying property. In this
case, the code would look like:
| identityColor |
identityColor := IdentityNormalizer withCommand: [:eachElement |
eachElement identifyingProperty].
view nodes: containers forEach: [:each |
view newShape rectangle; fillColor: identityColor; withBorder.
view nodes: each elements.
view gridLayout.
view gridLayout
The IdentityNormalizer returns a color based on the identity of the
object returned by the block.
On Jul 4, 2007, at 12:44 PM, Adrian DOZSA wrote:
Message: 9
Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 21:34:15 +0200
From: St?phane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)univ-savoie.fr>
Subject: [Moose-dev] distribution map in 6 lines?
To: Moose-dev Bugs <moose-dev(a)iam.unibe.ch>
Message-ID: <EA9BA9AA-35AF-4157-B64F-77C5E5E20381(a)univ-savoie.fr>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
Andrea where can I find the distribution map code you show
me (how
to write a distribution map in 6 lines of code
Presuming you were referring to me, it's Adrian and not Andrea :)
The code is in my bundle MoosLiDevelopment, but because it is only
3 lines i've extracted it below:
| engine serializedCollection |
engine := ClusterEngine with: aCollection using: distanceBlock.
engine hierarchicalClusteringShowProgressUsing: #averageLinkage.
serializedCollection := engine dendrogram collect: #yourself.
aCollection: is your collection of elements you want to cluster
distanceBlock: is a block that returns the distance between any 2
elements of your collection (eg. Euclidean distance for numerical
proprieties of elements)
serializedCollection := the result of the clustering, the
serialized version of the collection
Sorry for the late answer, but i was away for a few days.
Adrian DOZSA
Politehnica University of Timisoara
Computer Science Department
mail: adi.dozsa(a)gmail.com
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