On 26 Aug 2015, at 02:57, Alexandre Bergel
<alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> wrote:
When I open the world menu, the mouse cursor is intensively blinking, and opening the
menu is _very slow_. This bugs has been around for a couple of weeks already. Am I the
only one to see it?
I saw it one day after coming back from ESUG. I added an issue tracker entry. Nicolai
immediately commented that he did not see any slowdown.
I rebooted my machine, never saw the problem again.
But removing the #showWhile: is a good idea.
I have checked the cause, and apparently the problem
disappear by removing the use of “Cursor read showWhile:”. The following method:
ImageReadWriter>>formFromStream: aBinaryStream
"Answer a ColorForm stored on the given stream. closes the stream"
| reader readerClass form |
readerClass := self readerClassFromStream: aBinaryStream.
reader := readerClass new on: aBinaryStream.
Cursor read showWhile:
[ form := reader nextImage.
reader close ].
^ form
May be rewritten as:
ImageReadWriter>>formFromStream: aBinaryStream
"Answer a ColorForm stored on the given stream. closes the stream"
| reader readerClass form |
readerClass := self readerClassFromStream: aBinaryStream.
reader := readerClass new on: aBinaryStream.
form := reader nextImage.
reader close.
^ form
However, changing the cursor has been around for quite a long time. It is strange that
the slow menu is surfacing only now.
Any idea why?
Alexandre Bergel