Hi Niall,
Thanks for your mail. I won't have time to look into this until the
second week of May.
Maybe someone else working on the VW Moose can take a look at that?
On 21 Apr 2010, at 15:51, Niall Ross wrote:
Dear Tudor, Philipp et al,
we are approaching code freeze in the current VW release (after
which there will be a period of RC testing and the release will be
out in the second half of the year). We're also interested in using
Moose to analyse the VW build. We would therefore welcome a version
of Moose usable in already-released 7.7 (and in our latest builds,
but I suspect a 7.7-compatible Moose version will run in our latest
as well).
The current latest version is loaded by MooseConfig 1.28 in the SCG
repository, which dates from 2008. It loads OK but with 33
Undeclareds, some of which I'm sure just indicate prereqs needing
added to the config. The main Moose tool then fails to open looking
for an icon selector (#horizontalDistribution20x20 missing from the
ToolbarIconLibrary, and the coverage tool is also looking for a
subspec) that may indicate a prereq (or might be a postLoad) required.
I expect you could fix these things much more quickly than I, so
that the latest VW Moose runs in 7.7. I'd be grateful if you would
have a look at it. Meanwhile I will get you added to the VWDEV
program so you can see our latest builds, but I suspect that if you
fix whatever (probably trivial) stuff is needed to map from working
in VW7.6 to working in VW7.7 that will solve the problem.
(If you find you need any explanation on 7.6-to-7.7 changes that
affect Moose' running, please post in VWNC and I or others can help.)
Thanking you in advance
Niall Ross
"If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair,
you will end up with a messy haircut."