Great job!!!!
It feels lot snappier :)
Now it is a real pleasure to navigate objects.
This is nice to see that you are paying attention because the engine is
getting faster and this is important
that the tools do not eat all the power by accident.
Tx a lot
On Sat, 11 Feb 2017 21:31:56 +0100, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)>
Andrei and Alex did a great job at improving the performance and
scalability of the inspector.
There are a couple of main improvements:
- Added FastTable support for the Raw presentation for all objects. This
implied completing the support for the tree presentation binding to fast
- Moved the Items presentation for collections to FastTable.
- Improved the rendering of Glamour to no longer rely on the default
Morph>>#adoptPaneColor. It turns out that using adoptPaneColor triggers
a relayout of the morph, even if it is not visible. We extended
PanelMorph in the context of Glamour with a less needy logic.
I will not tell you how fast it is. I would rather want you to play with
it :).
The change is already in the Moose image. It is not yet in Pharo, but it
will be soon. In the meantime you can be load it in Pharo 6 like this:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit';
package: 'ConfigurationOfGToolkitCore';
(#ConfigurationOfGToolkitCore asClass project version: #stable) load
To play with it, try this with both the current version and the new one
and the Spec Inspector if you want (just make sure you save the image
collection := (1 to: 100000000) asArray.
[collection inspect] timeToRun.
collection := (1 to: 100000000).
[collection inspect] timeToRun.
(for these two ones notice that Items do not appear at all in the old
[World inspect] timeToRun.
There are still a couple of issues open, such as the sorting of the
columns. We would need your help with testing this, and report possible
missing issues.
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