Hi Stef,
On 24 Sep 2011, at 10:23, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Hi Stef,
ensureClass: is a private method (see the protocol).
An example of how to use the class, can be found in the tests, or in the buildFM3.
processor := FMPragmaProcessor new.
processor queue: FMPragmaProcessorTestDummy.
processor run.
The MoosePragmaProcessor was just my attempt to not have the processor crash when there
is no MSEClass: pragma in the class.
Ok I'm diving into that.
What I will do is to hack the metamodelreport so that I get progress from this side.
And I will look at all the meta stuff in parallel
Now I'm still confused why
>> FMPragmaProcessor new processClass:
>> returns a FM3MetaDescription whose attributes are empty?
And this resetMeta is working.
I told you that processClass: is an internal method (i.e., it is used in combination with
others :)).
So, if you look at the run method, you will see that it also calls
Try this:
processor := FMPragmaProcessor new.
description := processor processClass: FMPragmaProcessorTestDummy.
processor resolveObjectReferences.
description inspect
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