a quick look on JUnit shows that it eats its own dogfood - the tests for
JUnit use the annotations. Have a look at the sources on
Unfortunately I am not aware of other projects using this annotations. I
suggest to just have a look a newer projects on GitHub & Co.
Am 21.12.2011, 19:03 Uhr, schrieb Hani Abdeen <hani.abdeen(a)gmail.com>om>:
Thanks Doru, using -autocp I've now the JUnit classes and a lot of other
stub classes :) it's good to consider the jars that come with the
project under-analysis.
Also thank you Steffen, you are right, we should consider, in addition to
the JUnit classes, the JUnit annotations when they are used in the java
project under-analysis.
Do you have/know a Java opensource project using JUnit annotations?
just to test the availability of those annotations using verveinej.
2011/12/21 Steffen Märcker <merkste(a)web.de>
> It might be neccessary to consider the common JUnit annotations as well,
> e.g. @Test, @RunWith, etc. Inheriting from TestCase is not recommended
> anymore in JUnit. Test methods and classes are now identified by their
> annotations.
> Regards, Steffen
> Am 21.12.2011, 00:28 Uhr, schrieb Hani Abdeen <hani.abdeen(a)gmail.com>om>:
> Hi,
>> Using VerveineJ, the stub classes realted to unit tests (TestCase,
>> TestSuit
>> and Test classes) are not imported
>> also their namesapce junit.framework
>> These classes are imported using inFamix.
>> junit.framework.TestCase class is particularly important in order to
>> automatically detect unit test classes: TestCase subclassHierarchy.
>> If this class is not available in the moose model then the only way to
>> automatically detect unit test classes is by detecting the classes that
>> their names are postfixed by 'Tests':
>> mooseModel allClasses select: [:c| '*Tests' match: c name]
>> such a way can provide us with wrong results!
>> Cheers,
>> Hani
>> P.S.: use-case JFreechart project:
>> which includes about 380 test classes (classes inherit from TestCase)
>> --
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