The comment got lost when we merged MooseElement with MooseEntity (given that MooseEntity
was the only subclass).
Well, the MooseElement>>mooseName original implementation was not used anymore, as
mooseName got overridden in MooseEntity (which used to be a subclass of MooseElement).
Furthermore, mooseName is no longer a unique identifier, so the comment was partly
So, now I just kept:
"The return value must not be nil, and must
never change.
The implementation should be fast, as this key may be used
extensively by MooseGroup or similar facilities.
Do not override this method.
Instead, use mooseNameOn: to customize the result."
On 30 Oct 2011, at 20:44, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
Hi guys
"Returns an unique identifier of this entity. This method is mandatory, and must
return a Symbol or Integer that uniquely identifies this entity within its model (but
not within the entire Moose enivronment, see MooseElement>>mooseID). The return
value must not be nil, and must never change. The implementation should be fast,
as this key may be used extensivley by the MooseModel or similar facilities."
^self mooseID asString "asSymbol -- check if this really works with Integers
as well, else change sender!"
was like that
and now MooseEntity>>mooseName
| stream |
^ self privateState
propertyAt: #mooseName
[ stream := (String new: 64) writeStream.
self mooseNameOn: stream.
^ stream contents asSymbol ]
so why the comment got lost?
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