On 30 mars 2010, at 13:15, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Simon,
I was thinking of that as well, but the problem will still remain in that SmallDude might
want one version of the configuration, and the Suite another one. Or?
Well, if one produces a new version of Moose suite, one should check that he is using
compatible versions from MooseCore and SmallDude. That is, if you want to make a version
of MooseSuite4.0 using MooseCore4.0.1 and Smalldude2.0.3, I think it's good practice
to check that Smalldude2.0.3 also uses MooseCore4.0.1. I agree that the problem is not
solved, it is just merely passed upon the level of versions instead of packages (but maybe
it is easier to notice/check such problems at version level).
BTW, I think that given two versions of a package, Metacello resolves to load the latest
one right?
My current problem is that I am trying to build the tree of dirty packages recursively
through projects, but if a package belongs to two projects, it's not clear what to do
with this package.
On 30 Mar 2010, at 12:52, Simon Denier wrote:
On 30 mars 2010, at 10:40, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Simon,
Hmm, but then I am not sure I understand how it could be done better. The goal of the
Configuration is to allow one to load the code stand alone. So, SmallDude extends FAMIX
and Group, so it needs Famix-Core and Moose-Core.
Maybe we should rethink packaging? How would you do it?
I think the problem is that ConfigurationOfMoose plays two roles: managing the common
parts of Moose and defining the Moose suite as common parts + projects. Maybe we should
make this distinction clear with a ConfigurationOfMoose and ConfigurationOfMooseSuite?
On 30 Mar 2010, at 00:10, Simon Denier wrote:
I just noticed that ConfigOfSmallDude declares an
explicit dependency on two packages, Moose-Core and Famix-Core. I don't think it's
good practice, as it could lead to conflict between a version of Moose and a version of
SmallDude requiring different package versions.
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