I am having some trouble with a with a tree presentation in Glamour
being replaced with red square with a yellow cross. How can I attach
troubleshooting this?
Naively I tried wrapping each of the blocks passed with exception
handling as follows....
a tree
updateOn: LEKShownClassesChanged from: self announcer when:
[ :ann :entity | [ self setNavigatorIconsFor: LEKCimPackage
rootPackage ] on: Exception do: [ self inform: 'upDateOn error' ] . true ] ;
children: [ :item | [ item children sort: [ :before :after |
before cimName < after cimName ] ] on: Exception do: [ self inform:
'children error' ] ] ;
format: [ :item | [ item cimName ] on: Exception do: [ self
inform: 'format error' ] ] ;
act: [ :presentation :model | self shownClasses inspect ]
entitled: 'selected package classes' ;
icon: [ :item | [ self navigatorIconFor: item ] on: Exception
do: [ self inform: 'icon error' ] ] ;
and also similarly wrapping the rendering...
GLMMorphicTreeRenderer>>render: aPresentation
| container |
container := super render: aPresentation.
aPresentation shouldAllExpand ifTrue: [container submorphs first
expandAll ].
aPresentation shouldRootsExpand ifTrue: [container submorphs first
expandRoots ].
] on: Exception do: [ self inform: 'render error' ].
Transcript crShow: container.
^ container
but nothing happens.
Where does the red square get generated from? So I can try making a
debugger come up instead of the red square.
cheers, Ben
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