Hi Sam,
First of all thank you for your mail and your enthusiasm. It is exciting to
see Moose getting used in unexpected contexts. Could you tell us more about
your project? Also, what prompted you to choose Moose?
You are raising a good question.
First, you do not need to create a whole pane to get a new port. Second,
you can use a simple transmission that does not show anything. So, your
code would be:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row:#numbers.
browser transmit to: #numbers; andShow:[:a| a list display:[:n| 1to: n]].
browser transmit
to: #numbers port: #x;
from: #numbers port: #strongSelection;
when: [ :x | x notNil ];
x explore.
((browser paneNamed: #numbers) port: #strongSelection) value: nil ].
browser openOn: 10.
But, the use case is not supported in Glamour explicitly. The reason is
that we wanted to focus on data flow rather than on supporting all user
interactions possible. So, in your case, if the only thing you want to do
is open an explorer, you can see the problem in a different way and instead
of wanting to open a window, you pass the value to some pane that happens
to show an inspector.
For such a use case, there exist an undervalued feature in Glamour called
the Watcher. Try this:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row:#numbers.
browser transmit to: #numbers; andShow:[:a| a list display:[:n| 1to: n]].
browser transmit
from: #numbers port: #strongSelection;
andShow: [:a :x| a custom: GTInspector new ].
browser openOn: 10.
And then press "Character space command shift" to toggle the Watcher
window. You will get a preview window similar to the one on Mac, and if you
double click on your list of numbers, the inspector will appear in the
watcher (see the attached picture).
As you can see, we turn the problem around a bit. Let me know if it fits
your needs.
[image: Inline image 1]
On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Sam Adams <ssadams(a)us.ibm.com> wrote:
We've adopted Pharo/Moose/et.al. for a major project in IBM Research, and
as a 29-year Smalltalk veteran, I am simply blown away by all the extreme
functionality the community has developed.
In getting used to Glamour, I found a need for a doubleClick action, but
the only examples and APIs I could locate used the transmission to update
another pane. I worked out how to do what I need using a "hidden pane",
but its an awkward hack. What I would really like is a strongSelectionAct:
but I haven't learned enough of the infrastructure to add it myself.
I also found that once you doubleClick an unselected list item, it
launches the action, selects the list item, but then you can't doubleClick
it again for another action. I found a solution by resetting the port
Here's the code that works.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row:#numbers; row:#numbersDoubleClick size:0.1.
browser transmit to: #numbers; andShow:[:a| a list display:[:n| 1to: n]].
browser transmit to: #numbersDoubleClick; from: #numbers
andShow:[:x| (browser portValueAt: (#numbers->#strongSelection)) explore.
browser portValueAt: (#numbers->#strongSelection) put: nil].
browser openOn: 10.
Is there a better way?
Sam S. Adams, CTO - Contextual
IBM Distinguished Engineer, IBM Research
Mobile: 919-696-6064, email: ssadams(a)us.ibm.com
Assistant: Linda R. Morrison. (720) 395-0460 Fax: (845) 491-4318, Tie:
676-0460, linda.r.morrison(a)us.ibm.com
<<Hebrews 11:6, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 1:16-17, 1 Corinthians 1:10>>
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"Every thing has its own flow"