Really cool!
On 31 Aug 2010, at 11:02, Nicolas Paez wrote:
Hi, I am working in the RMoD team (INRIA) in a project
called Seed. One of the tasks of the project is to identify those mandatory classes that
should be part of Pharo kernel. Currently, Pharo kernel has some "unhappy
dependecies". We are using Moose + Glamour to create a tool (a browser) that help up
with this task. The idea is to start by loading in our browser the classes used in the
SpecialObjectsArray and then iterate to add dependencies incrementally. This way we will
be able to detect smells and "blacklist" methods we don't want to be part of
our kernel.
During this days we will have a working version of our browser to start the analysis.
If you want to take a look, search for Seed on SqueackSource.
We will be sharing our findings in the Pharo mailing list.
Moose-dev mailing list
Alexandre Bergel