Dear Moosers,
as you might remember, the founding of Moose Verein was postponed at
Famoosr due to missing bylaws. The purpose of the association is to
support Moose and Famix, eg by organizing a Summer of Code.
We plan to found the Moose Verein at ESUG in Lugano, see doodle
I have setup a wiki page with draft bylaws, taken from the nice
booklet "Wie grĂ¼nde und leite ich einen Verein?" by Urs Scherrer. See
link below
The bylaws are in German. It would be nice if someone could translate
them to English. The English bylaws will not be legally binding, they
are only meant as support for foreign-speaking members. The google
translation looks 90% correct, hence the translation job would mainly
be to fix mistakes like "photograph request" for "Aufnahmegesuch".
@Orla, you said that you might volunteer for translation, is that
still okay with you?
Please stay tuned for more news, and forward this mail to anyone in
your network that might have an interest in the Moose association.
Adrian Kuhn MSc
Software Composition Group