On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Hannes Hirzel <hannes.hirzel(a)gmail.com>wrote;wrote:
Hello again,
I found the place, it was easy.
And another question, see below
SGLExamples subclass: #SGLOtherExamples
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Glamour-Seaside-Examples'
I just did
self new codeBrowser openOn: Morph
<glmBrowser: 'Code Browser' input: 'Morph'>
and now I have the Morph hierarchy
Originally I was thinking it should be possible to edit the source
code through the browser.
This browser only shows the code.
I haven't tried it but I believe it could be modified to also change the
Another question: Layout
I would like to have the hierarchy view span the whole width; the
selectors list can me much smaller and the selection of the browser
type could easily reside on top of the selector list. (Or it could be
spread out horizontally as four tabs..)
How do I do that?
In the code I do not see size related issues.
Using the available space in the best way is an issue we plan to address in
the next version. For now your options are limited to using
GLMTabulator>>addRow:span: and GLMTabulator>>addColumn:span:. For now in
order to achive a better distribution of the available space replace
browser row: [ :row | row column: #classes; column: #selectors ].
browser row: [ :row | row column: #classes span: 10; column: #selectors ]
span: 4.
You can further modify the span attribute but at the moment this is the only
Of course you can create a new browser that uses tabs or displays the
information in a different way.
self new codeBrowser openOn: Morph
<glmBrowser: 'Code Browser' input: 'Morph'>
| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: [ :row | row column: #classes; column: #selectors ].
browser row: #source.
browser showOn: #classes; using: [
browser tree
title: 'Tree';
children: [ :class | class subclasses ].
browser mondrian
title: 'Mondrian';
painting: [ :view :class |
view nodeShape size: 10.
view nodes: class withAllSubclasses.
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view treeLayout ] ].
browser showOn: #selectors; from: #classes; using: [
browser list
display: [ :class | class selectors
asSortedCollection ] ].
browser showOn: #source; from: #classes; from: #selectors; using: [
browser text
title: 'Source';
when: [ :class :selector | class notNil and: [
selector notNil ] ];
display: [ :class :selector | class sourceCodeAt:
selector ].
browser text
title: 'Comment';
display: [ :class :selector | class comment ] ].
^ browser
On 9/27/10, Hannes Hirzel <hannes.hirzel(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Tudor and Andrei
On 9/26/10, Tudor Girba <tudor.girba(a)gmail.com> wrote:
We are happy to announce the first version of Glamour on Seaside. This
was carried out by Andrei Vasile Chis and was sponsored by ESUG. The
offers a Seaside-based rendering of Glamour browsers. In other words,
you have a browser in Glamour, you can now simply display it on the web.
We would highly appreciate any kind of feedback.
The basic browsers work fine
But in the developer Examples some do not work, e.g.
Class listing - only an empty browser shows up.
The next choice:
The code browser with the Mondrian view is amazing.
Where can I change the code there e.g. to see the hierarchy of Morph?
What is the meaning of the pragma?
<glmBrowser: 'Code Browser' input: 'Collection'>
Thank you in any case for this amazing work.....
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