compositeDiagram "self new compositeDiagram" | diag1 factory diag2
diag3 factory2 | factory := ESDummyFactory new. factory yValues:
#(30000000000 5 15 20 28 24 22 26). factory2 := ESDummyFactory
new. factory2 yValues: #(1400000000000000 24 21 11 22 13 43 21). diag1
:= (ESDiagramRenderer new lineDiagram) y: #yValue; models: factory
buildDummies; regularAxis; rightYAxis; defaultColor: Color
blue; axisColor: Color blue; yourself. diag2 := (ESDiagramRenderer
new verticalBarDiagram) y: #yValue; regularAxis; axisColor: Color
darkGray; defaultColor: Color darkGray; models: factory2
buildDummies; yourself. diag3 := ESDiagramRenderer new. (diag3
compositeDiagram) add: diag2; add: diag1. ^ diag3 open
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 12:30 PM, <moose-technology(a)> wrote:
Comment #9 on issue 755 by andreho...(a) EyeSee form does not
properly take into account the size of axis labels
Could you send an example?
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