Status: New
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 749 by duplicate packages while adding
information to a model
I am trying to generate a moose model programmatically in the following way:
First, I generate a model with Citezen. Then I add seaside packages to the
same model.
Now, I see some packages getting duplicated by the second import. For
example, the package Citezen-Seaside exists twice in the model (in
allPackages). The first copy corresponds to the import done in the model
from citezen so exists in All Model Packages. The second exists as a stub
because somehow, citezen is referenced in Seaside. What is these strange is
that both models contain the file CZFileLibrary.
Now, when I try to generate a mondrian visualizations with all Model
Packages, I dont see dependencies between the packages of the two systems:
Ctezen and Seaside. This is normal because dependencies are bound to the
stub packages and not model pakages. However, taking allPackages, I can see
cross dependencies.
Is this desired to have duplicates of a package in a Moose model when
creating a moose model incrementally?