what moose developers think?
On Nov 1, 2008, at 09:56 AM, stéphane ducasse wrote:
On Oct 31, 2008, at 6:02 PM, Hani ABDEEN wrote:
you can remove these methods from Moose.
actually i will re-integrate them in Cook and later i will see
name i should give to this property.
rename it now this is one click
call it completelyImported and we add it directly to moose.
What about:
FAMIXInheritanceDefinition>>isStub ?
FAMIXAccess>>isStub ?
FAMIXAttribute>>isStub ?
FAMIXNamespace>>isStub ?
FAMIXPackage>>isStub ?
I suggest that you think the same thing and you will remove these
methods from Moose, no?
Arg I missed these ones.
The UI of stroe is not that good.
On Oct 30, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
> Hi hani
> I was checking your code. I do not think that this is correct.
> Did you read the email we sent about the topic before summer
> holidays
> on this topic?
> AbstractStructuralEntiy>>isStub
> "a FAMIXStructuralEntity is stub if its declared as stub or if it
> belongs to a stub famix element, or if we do not know really it
> belongs to which famix entity (self belongsTo isSymbol -> istrue)"
> ^super isStub or: [self belongsTo notNil and: [self belongsTo
> isSymbol or: [self belongsTo isStub]]]
> FAMIXInvocation>>isStub
> "a FAMIXInvocation is stub if all its candidate -invoked-
> methodes,
> are stub, or if the invocation is done by a stub method, or if the
> invocation has no candidate"
> ^self candidateList isNil
> or: [self candidateList isEmpty
> or: [(self candidateList allSatisfy: [:mtd| mtd isStub])
> or: [self invokedBy isNil or: [self invokedBy isStub]]]]
> Stubbyness is an import property and it is not transitive.
> You can have an attribute that is imported and its class is a stub
> because the importer leaked.
> Now of course this situation does not make sense but this is the
> state
> of the import (we would all prefer that this
> imported did not leak but it is in C++ and we do not control it).
> Now you need to compute a new property called for example
> completelyImported.
> So we prefer that you introduce an extra property (related to
> stubbyness)
> and that thes methods are dealing with this.
> So I will remove these two methods from Moose and invite you to
> define
> a completelyImported property and its computation.
> If you follow our suggesting we will integrate them in Moose if
> there
> are tests.
> Stef and Doru
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