Ciao Roby
You're welcome. I'm glad I ported it, too. It's my favorite toy :)
As for the panning, you could try the arrow keys :). Too obvious?
The zero color is a good idea.
On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 2:23 PM, roberto.minelli(a) <
roberto.minelli(a)> wrote:
Hi guys,
I was playing with CodeCity. Thanks, Ricky for the effort in porting it to
I was wondering if there is a way to pan the city? i.e., not rotating
around axes, simple 2D pan.
I also have a “feature request” (that I already implemented myself): I
noticed that the CCColorNormalizer lacks of a “zero” color.
In short, when you want to differentiate nodes with weight = 0.
For this I implemented a #CCColorNormalizerWithZeroColor (subclass of
CCColorNormalizer) that overrides
ccValue: anObject
| inputValue |
inputValue := self transformation ccValue: anObject.
inputValue isZero
ifTrue: [ ^ self zero ]
ifFalse: [ ^ super ccValue: anObject ]
#zero is a Color, instance variable of CCColorNormalizerWithZeroColor.
Thanks in advance,
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