It would be great to have this :-)
For example, we have just produced a dependency analyzer and I would like to use it in an
inspector. Here an example:
| b |
b := RTDependencyAnalyzerBuilder new.
b shape circle
size: 10;
fillColor: (Color red alpha: 0.3);
if: [ :cls | ('TR*' match: cls name) ] fillColor: (Color purple alpha: 0.3).
b addClasses: RTObject withAllSubclasses. “Roassal2 classes"
b addClasses: TRObject withAllSubclasses. “Trachel classes"
dependencyFromAllClassesMatching: [ :cls | ('RT*' match: cls name) ]
toAllClassesMatching: [ :cls | ('TR*' match: cls name) ].
b open
Here a screenshot:
Blue lines are dependencies between Roassal classes to Trachel classes.
Purple = trachel
Red = Roassal
If some want to try this, I will be more than happy to share (actually it is available on
Roassal2 @ Smalltalkhub).
Alexandre Bergel