On 12 Dec 2009, at 19:06, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Johan,
part of AspectMaps is a polymetric view of
classes and aspects. For
that I want to use Glamour to specify the metrics for the dimension.
Pretty nice :).
Thanks :-) I would like to use Glamour for all the 'configuration'
parts, and Mondrian for rendering the visualization. I hope I can get
everything working together well ...
The code below
shows what I have (and will embed in another browser
at some point) which leads me to 2 questions and a bug.
First question: how can I let each browser show its title? With 6
of these it's easy to be confused which is which.
You hit another issue that is on the to do list, unfortunately. I
saw that actually I forgot to open an issue, so I created a new one:
OK :-( In the mean time is there a way to have a layout where there is
a label above each presentation? The label would then hold the title ...
But, just to make communication easier, here is a
short sentence
that summarizes the main terms in Glamour: A Browser is composed of
Panes that are displayed via one or more Presentations.
So, in your case, you actually refer to the presentations or to the
panes, and not to the browser.
Thanks, sorry for the confusion.
question: at some point in the mondrian script I need to
retrieve the selections in each browser. (I dont want to
automatically repaint when a selection is changed). How can I do
As I understand, you will want to embed this browser in another
browser (let's call this the outerBrowser). As a browser
encapsulates the internal state, you have to explicitly specify what
gets out and under what name. To do that, you will have to do
something line:
browser sendToOutside: #selectedCHeight from: #cheight.
Afterwards, in the outerBrowser you might have something like:
outerBrowser column: #main; column: #properties.
outerBrowser showOn: #properties; using: [
outerBrowser custom: browser ].
outerBrowser showOn: #main; fromOutside: #entity; from: #properties-
>#selectedCHeight ...
I understand the sendToOutside: part, but I dont see how the outside
receives these selection messages and can store the selections, e.g.
in a local variable. Can you enlighten me here?
The bug: in
the code below add a size: 100 to both column
specifications, and you get a nice ZeroDivide error :-/
The fix size panes are not properly supported by the
MorphicRenderer :(, so this will have to wait again.
Bad luck on my part, but OK this is not that important ;-)
Thanks for the help!
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile