hi all,
Where do Magritte errors get logged? On Moose tracker or somewhere else?
There is a defect in validation of numbers like 3.48e-5
since Magritte MAStringReader >> visitNumberDescription: only allows a
dash at the start.
I've included the details below just so I don't lose them.
regards -ben
MAStringReader >>visitNumberDescription: aDescription
| contents |
(aDescription label first = $r) ifTrue: [ self haltOnce ].
contents := self contents.
contents isEmpty
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents occurrencesOf: $-) > 1
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents indexOf: $-) > 1
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents occurrencesOf: $.) > 1
ifTrue: [ MAReadError signal ].
(contents allSatisfy: [ :each | '+-0123456789.eE' includes: each ])
ifFalse: [ MAReadError signal ].
super visitNumberDescription: aDescription
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